Got this a few days ago. Finally assembled it. Took about 1 1/2 hours with the help of husband and oldest son. Very sturdy as of now. Will return for update later Takes up less space.
Average product. Some parts were missing and there was damage to one of the boards. Overall a decent product but it wouldve been much better if no damage.
This is a great bed and a great value for the price. My 9 year old loves the space under neither and we bought a bed tent so he thinks it is especially cool now. very stable.
Great! We set it up and our daughter loves it! No problems with shipping and the parts were not damaged. Its definitely a task to assemble but its worth it because it is very secure! Loving it. Nice product.
We got this as the next step up bed for our 3 year old. He loves it and it feels sturdy but is light enough for me to move to change sheets. It definitely is not a navy blue which I was wanting but more of a gray blue color, so a little disappointing in that aspect. Smart design.
I have no idea how so many people were able to build this within an hour or two. I dont consider myself aming at building things, but this bed definitely had me questioning my abilities. It took me around 8 hours with two trips to Lowes to fix missing items. Delivery was easy and the box wasnt difficult to carry into the house. The instructions were actually well written and I didnt have trouble following. The issue was the screw bolts and the nut it is supposed to fit into. They did not fit at all, but leaving it undone would compromise sturdiness. At Lowes I found 1/4 20 bolts at 3.5 inches. I do not know a lot about hardware and had to bother an employee to help me figure it out. That did the trick. The wood hasnt cracked on me so far, but as per other reviews I used a screw driver instead of a drill. This bed is definitely a toddler/little kid bed. I wouldnt put someone over 12 because it doesnt seem like it would hold adult weight. Overall it is nice looking and the space underneath is a great play space. Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Good find!! My son loves his new bunk bed and its not to hard to put together. The only reason Im giving it 3 stars is because after about 3 months it felt loose so my husband had to tighten all the screws again. This is probably because my son is climbing up and down it all day but i still think it lacks sturdiness since hes only 40 pounds, it shouldnt loosen so easily.
It arrived in a bit of a beat up box but nothing was damaged. It was fairly easy quick to assemble. The color is just as advertised size is perfect for our 2.5 yr old. She does great with climbing up down it. We got the 6inch thick, twin sized kids memory foam mattress and it fits perfectly. I love that the rail is still plenty high enough! Simple to put together.
Love it for now!
Got this a few days ago. Finally assembled it. Took about 1 1/2 hours with the help of husband and oldest son. Very sturdy as of now. Will return for update later Takes up less space.
Average product. Some parts were missing and there was damage to one of the boards. Overall a decent product but it wouldve been much better if no damage.
Great Bed
This is a great bed and a great value for the price. My 9 year old loves the space under neither and we bought a bed tent so he thinks it is especially cool now. very stable.
Love it!
Great! We set it up and our daughter loves it! No problems with shipping and the parts were not damaged. Its definitely a task to assemble but its worth it because it is very secure! Loving it. Nice product.
Not Bold Blue
We got this as the next step up bed for our 3 year old. He loves it and it feels sturdy but is light enough for me to move to change sheets. It definitely is not a navy blue which I was wanting but more of a gray blue color, so a little disappointing in that aspect. Smart design.
I have no idea how so many people were able to build this within an hour or two. I dont consider myself aming at building things, but this bed definitely had me questioning my abilities. It took me around 8 hours with two trips to Lowes to fix missing items. Delivery was easy and the box wasnt difficult to carry into the house. The instructions were actually well written and I didnt have trouble following. The issue was the screw bolts and the nut it is supposed to fit into. They did not fit at all, but leaving it undone would compromise sturdiness. At Lowes I found 1/4 20 bolts at 3.5 inches. I do not know a lot about hardware and had to bother an employee to help me figure it out. That did the trick. The wood hasnt cracked on me so far, but as per other reviews I used a screw driver instead of a drill. This bed is definitely a toddler/little kid bed. I wouldnt put someone over 12 because it doesnt seem like it would hold adult weight. Overall it is nice looking and the space underneath is a great play space. Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Lacks some sturdiness but worth it!
Good find!! My son loves his new bunk bed and its not to hard to put together. The only reason Im giving it 3 stars is because after about 3 months it felt loose so my husband had to tighten all the screws again. This is probably because my son is climbing up and down it all day but i still think it lacks sturdiness since hes only 40 pounds, it shouldnt loosen so easily.
Arrived early Exactly what I was expecting Really Worth it
Very happy with it!
It arrived in a bit of a beat up box but nothing was damaged. It was fairly easy quick to assemble. The color is just as advertised size is perfect for our 2.5 yr old. She does great with climbing up down it. We got the 6inch thick, twin sized kids memory foam mattress and it fits perfectly. I love that the rail is still plenty high enough! Simple to put together.
Great quality
It is perfect height for my child. Not so bad.
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