Strong. But I didn't know it was so high , not safe for toddlers. I bought it to not have my babies nap in the mattress on grandma floor in the guess room.
This was super easy to put together. It took my wife and I about 30 minutes from start to finish. Super sturdy and exactly as expected. Would definitely recommend.
Everything was very good and the bed was very nice, I only had one problem that seemed to be on the way. A small part of the tubes was bent a little and I reported it and the seller's response was super fast and he gave me the options to replace that part or give credit. I would really buy from you again for your excellent service and speed in solving me...
This bed took one hour to assemble with 2 ppl. Instructions are clear and tools included. Bed is sturdy and looks just like picture. My 20 yo daughter loves it in her new college apt! Highly recommend.
My daughter wanted a white wood bed. Looking at reviews, none of them sounded perfect but this one seemed solid so we went for it.
First off let me say ours did not suffer any shipping damage. No scratches or dings of any kind.
Putting it together was straightforward. Just have to pay attention to the detailed drawings.
The only glitch during assembly was that some of the threads that were integrated into the frame were not totally clean. The bolts didnt want to finger tighten. Couldnt get the bolt started only by finger. Id say this only happened to maybe 5% of all bolts. For those, I simply used a ratchet with socket to apply a little pressure. It didnt take a lot of work and they screwed in fine after the initial resistance, it might have been some paint got into the threads.
The bed seems sturdy. My daughter is an average 13 year old. Ive sat on the edge of the bed with her in it and I weigh 220. I told her not to jump on it during slumber parties and it will be fine.
So far we feel its an excellent value and nicely made. Everyones happy!
Purchased for my teenage daughter and she LOVES IT!!! Its so simple to assemble that she put it together all on her own with no help whatsoever. She said she couldnt express enough how much she loves her new bed!!! BEST PURCHASE EVER!!! Highly recommended!!! Super fast shipping and was exactly as described by seller!!!!
It's steady.
Strong. But I didn't know it was so high , not safe for toddlers. I bought it to not have my babies nap in the mattress on grandma floor in the guess room.
Very sturdy
This was super easy to put together. It took my wife and I about 30 minutes from start to finish. Super sturdy and exactly as expected. Would definitely recommend.
Everything was very good and the bed was very nice
Everything was very good and the bed was very nice, I only had one problem that seemed to be on the way. A small part of the tubes was bent a little and I reported it and the seller's response was super fast and he gave me the options to replace that part or give credit. I would really buy from you again for your excellent service and speed in solving me...
This bed is Sturdy
My wife and I put the bed together for my daughter in 45 min. Great bed and arrived on time.
I love my bed frame
Its great
Easy and sturdy - GREAT VALUE
This bed took one hour to assemble with 2 ppl. Instructions are clear and tools included. Bed is sturdy and looks just like picture. My 20 yo daughter loves it in her new college apt! Highly recommend.
My Husky is very happy with it
Pretty easy to assemble even with a Husky trying to help... took about an hour. I love the simple clean we design and it is very sturdy.
13 year old daughter loves it
My daughter wanted a white wood bed. Looking at reviews, none of them sounded perfect but this one seemed solid so we went for it. First off let me say ours did not suffer any shipping damage. No scratches or dings of any kind. Putting it together was straightforward. Just have to pay attention to the detailed drawings. The only glitch during assembly was that some of the threads that were integrated into the frame were not totally clean. The bolts didnt want to finger tighten. Couldnt get the bolt started only by finger. Id say this only happened to maybe 5% of all bolts. For those, I simply used a ratchet with socket to apply a little pressure. It didnt take a lot of work and they screwed in fine after the initial resistance, it might have been some paint got into the threads. The bed seems sturdy. My daughter is an average 13 year old. Ive sat on the edge of the bed with her in it and I weigh 220. I told her not to jump on it during slumber parties and it will be fine. So far we feel its an excellent value and nicely made. Everyones happy!
Instructions not easy to understand
Instructions were pictures no word instructions
Fast shipping, easy to assemble, sturdy and absolutely beautiful bed!!! RECOMMEND!!!!
Purchased for my teenage daughter and she LOVES IT!!! Its so simple to assemble that she put it together all on her own with no help whatsoever. She said she couldnt express enough how much she loves her new bed!!! BEST PURCHASE EVER!!! Highly recommended!!! Super fast shipping and was exactly as described by seller!!!!
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