This was for my middle schooler. She loves it! It is soft, cushy, with a supportive back and seems sturdy. The wheels are smooth. The only reason why I held back 1 star is because it is a lot lighter in color than the picture. Looks great in the daytime. At night, it can sometimes look like its faded. But my kiddo just ADORES the chair! So I would recommend
This product is exactly what the seller advertises. The color is exactly what is shown in the photos, the quality is really nice. The seams are sewn beautifully. Its a really sturdy, darling desk chair.
This chair was a big hit for my granddaughter. The color is exactly like the picture. Its more of a peachy pink than baby girl pink. It goes up and down easily and also rolls easily.
Love the chair. There was a small puncture in the fabric on the back. It was packaged so well it had to be a production issue but I put a drop of superglue on it. Seat is a little hard but I use only when putting on my makeup. The color and shape is exactly what I was looking for.
Cant get wheels to stay on
Cant get wheels to stay on
Very cushy, color lighter than picture. My kiddo loves it!
This was for my middle schooler. She loves it! It is soft, cushy, with a supportive back and seems sturdy. The wheels are smooth. The only reason why I held back 1 star is because it is a lot lighter in color than the picture. Looks great in the daytime. At night, it can sometimes look like its faded. But my kiddo just ADORES the chair! So I would recommend
Beautifully Made Desk Chair
This product is exactly what the seller advertises. The color is exactly what is shown in the photos, the quality is really nice. The seams are sewn beautifully. Its a really sturdy, darling desk chair.
A big hit!
This chair was a big hit for my granddaughter. The color is exactly like the picture. Its more of a peachy pink than baby girl pink. It goes up and down easily and also rolls easily.
Cute chair
Easy to assemble. I use a rectangle pillow on the top of the chair to help with comfort.
Chair is adorable and goes great with my vanity.
Love it!!
Chair is as described.
Good chair
My wife loves it. Easy to assemble, looks nice, comfortable, and seems sturdy
Beautiful, soft, easy to put together and fairly sturdy! So far, happy with this purchase!
Nice chair
Love the chair. There was a small puncture in the fabric on the back. It was packaged so well it had to be a production issue but I put a drop of superglue on it. Seat is a little hard but I use only when putting on my makeup. The color and shape is exactly what I was looking for.
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