Very cushy, color lighter than picture. My kiddo loves it!
This was for my middle schooler. She loves it! It is soft, cushy, with a supportive back and seems sturdy. The wheels are smooth. The only reason why I held back 1 star is because it is a lot lighter in color than the picture. Looks great in the daytime. At night, it can sometimes look like its faded. But my kiddo just ADORES the chair! So I would recommend
Very cushy, color lighter than picture. My kiddo loves it!
This was for my middle schooler. She loves it! It is soft, cushy, with a supportive back and seems sturdy. The wheels are smooth. The only reason why I held back 1 star is because it is a lot lighter in color than the picture. Looks great in the daytime. At night, it can sometimes look like its faded. But my kiddo just ADORES the chair! So I would recommend