First I like that I was able to assemble this frame myself. The frame is super lightweight but feels sturdy. My bed is in hard floors so it scoots around if I bump it but sleeping on it theres no problems or concerns. I took one star off because my frame came with a puncture in the headboard about 1cm long. I can hide it behind pillows but would have been super disappointed if it wasnt in a spot I could cover.
My 11 year old and I put this bed together in a few hours! I am someone who is a so terrible at furniture assembly, and was pleasantly surprised by this bargain purchase.
Good find
Smaller then how it looks advertised but good quality for what you paid for
Great for the price!
First I like that I was able to assemble this frame myself. The frame is super lightweight but feels sturdy. My bed is in hard floors so it scoots around if I bump it but sleeping on it theres no problems or concerns. I took one star off because my frame came with a puncture in the headboard about 1cm long. I can hide it behind pillows but would have been super disappointed if it wasnt in a spot I could cover.
Nice addition to a Guest Bedroom
We had a shipment mistake, but replaced the wrong item quickly. The drawers add additional height which is a benefit over some platform beds.
It was easy to set up and it looks good. Very sturdy for the price. I really love it. Definitely, recommend this purchase.
Instructions are difficult to comprehend but overall great bed once I got it assembled
The instructions given werent corresponding with the YouTube videos provided, nor did they provide enough screws to accommodate with them.
Mattress not go in to frame stay top of it, that why I give four star
Because mattress not sit inside the frame bed is higher than I like
Classy look without breaking the bank.
I am happy with this product. Lightly padded, not cushy enough to lean against. Would need head board also against a wall to help support.
bed frame
Very pretty, very easy to assemble.
Good price and not bad quality. Small tear in the fabric when it arrived.
Material isnt that great of quality!
Easy to assemble!
My 11 year old and I put this bed together in a few hours! I am someone who is a so terrible at furniture assembly, and was pleasantly surprised by this bargain purchase.
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