It was a great purchase! I would pay for assembly next time. My problem was with shipping which was completely out of the manufactures hands! I know that it would be almost impossible to do but I wish the hardware came in each box in case they are delivered mixed up and out of order.
This may easily be the best quality bed I ever purchased. The bed is as sturdy as can be and the instructions were so simple that a child could follow them. I had to reach out to customer service for spare parts and they responded quicker than I could check my emails. The parts were shipped to me promptly, even though I havent yet opened the box the spare parts were shipped in. My kid loves this bed. Caution: the bed is huge, so consider if youd want all of your room space eaten up by it. However, you wont be disappointed with this purchase.
I bought a white one for 6 year old granddaughter. Bought a grey one for 8 year old grandson. Wasnt sure they would be sturdy enough for an 8 year old boy. It is very sturdy, they love, great purchase.
Highly recommend them.
It took my daughters and I five hours to assemble, but it was worth it! Quality and sturdy. I am very pleased with this purchase. My grandsons love it! An adult can sleep on the full bed easily.
I love this bed for my son but the process was a headache. The parts arrived without the screws.I was disappointed in s lack of cell with this matter but once I reached out to the manufacturer they were great and mailed all of the screws and missing pieces right away. Once we received the screws assemble was a breeze and my son loved his bed. We have the twin over full with trundle model and you cant beat that because its literally 3 beds for the price of one.
Cons: Came missing a special bolt for the top bunk that cant be bought at a local hardware store. Came with a chunk of missing paint and scuff marks. Within a week of minimal use the paint has scraped off on other parts. Very disappointed for how expensive it was. It already looks worn after a few weeks.
Pros: Very sturdy build. Large drawers offer great storage.
I purchased the twin/full/twin in Dark Cappuccino. The bunk bed itself is fairly easy to assemble, just very time consuming. There were 3 missing screws that I needed run out and purchase to finish the ladder. The bed seems very sturdy and good quality.
The trundle is clearly not constructed of the same material or same quality. It was difficult to assemble as not all holes lined up and hand screwing in each slat was almost impossible on the side where the front edge of the trundle is. The mattress we have is a very thin standard twin and it hits the middle support bar for the full, ma it impossible to completely store under the bunk and it sticks out 11 inches. Its almost as if the trundle was an after thought and not made for this set.
Worth the money!
It was a great purchase! I would pay for assembly next time. My problem was with shipping which was completely out of the manufactures hands! I know that it would be almost impossible to do but I wish the hardware came in each box in case they are delivered mixed up and out of order.
You get what you pay for.
Poor quality and missing pieces. Contacted company and sent out missing parts.
Great sturdy bed
This may easily be the best quality bed I ever purchased. The bed is as sturdy as can be and the instructions were so simple that a child could follow them. I had to reach out to customer service for spare parts and they responded quicker than I could check my emails. The parts were shipped to me promptly, even though I havent yet opened the box the spare parts were shipped in. My kid loves this bed. Caution: the bed is huge, so consider if youd want all of your room space eaten up by it. However, you wont be disappointed with this purchase.
Bought for grandchildren
I bought a white one for 6 year old granddaughter. Bought a grey one for 8 year old grandson. Wasnt sure they would be sturdy enough for an 8 year old boy. It is very sturdy, they love, great purchase. Highly recommend them.
great item
great bunk bed. firm and nice. easy to install , no need any professional to help. save money
Surpasses my expectations!
It took my daughters and I five hours to assemble, but it was worth it! Quality and sturdy. I am very pleased with this purchase. My grandsons love it! An adult can sleep on the full bed easily.
Great purchase but parts were missing
I love this bed for my son but the process was a headache. The parts arrived without the screws.I was disappointed in s lack of cell with this matter but once I reached out to the manufacturer they were great and mailed all of the screws and missing pieces right away. Once we received the screws assemble was a breeze and my son loved his bed. We have the twin over full with trundle model and you cant beat that because its literally 3 beds for the price of one.
Easy to assemble
Beautiful and very easy to put together
Wouldnt recommend
Cons: Came missing a special bolt for the top bunk that cant be bought at a local hardware store. Came with a chunk of missing paint and scuff marks. Within a week of minimal use the paint has scraped off on other parts. Very disappointed for how expensive it was. It already looks worn after a few weeks. Pros: Very sturdy build. Large drawers offer great storage.
Read if considering trundle option
I purchased the twin/full/twin in Dark Cappuccino. The bunk bed itself is fairly easy to assemble, just very time consuming. There were 3 missing screws that I needed run out and purchase to finish the ladder. The bed seems very sturdy and good quality. The trundle is clearly not constructed of the same material or same quality. It was difficult to assemble as not all holes lined up and hand screwing in each slat was almost impossible on the side where the front edge of the trundle is. The mattress we have is a very thin standard twin and it hits the middle support bar for the full, ma it impossible to completely store under the bunk and it sticks out 11 inches. Its almost as if the trundle was an after thought and not made for this set.
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