I bough this for my twins and 6 year old and they love it. Sturdy and well made. The only downside are the stickers all over but those are easily removed.
It is a very cute and surprisingly sturdy bed. Well made. Caution: third bunk comes with instructions for the triple bunk bed assembly. The first two bunks came with assembly instructions for just the two bed assembly so I had to remove and redo some assembly once I had opened the third bed with separate instructions.
The metal is very solid (definitely better quality than others we’ve had). The instructions were very complicated to figure out and did not go in a good order. The bunk bed itself was pretty shaky when I got on top to make the bedding. It came with anchors due to risk of tipping. My husband made sure every screw was tight so this was not an assembly issues. I would not plan on having adults, teenager or bigger kids on top! Overall it will work for my kids but with caution.
This is an awesome loft bed. I bought it for my Grandson because he has a small bedroom, and needed space for a desk, and this was the perfect solution! He even put LED lights all around it and he loves it! So worth it.
Good but has scratchs
Easy so build, seems strong but came with tons of scratchs all over
The bed is cute and sturdy for my sons. The instructions were backwards.
Easy to assemble
Overall good product with poor labeling.
Great product. Difficult to assemble because of labeling on pieces and the way it’s packaged. Some pieces slightly damaged.
Worth every penny
Easy to assemble all tools included very nice and sturdy! Even came with a way to anchor to the wall! My daughter loves it! Lots of room underneath!
Very strong
Worth it
I bough this for my twins and 6 year old and they love it. Sturdy and well made. The only downside are the stickers all over but those are easily removed.
Did not disappoint
It is a very cute and surprisingly sturdy bed. Well made. Caution: third bunk comes with instructions for the triple bunk bed assembly. The first two bunks came with assembly instructions for just the two bed assembly so I had to remove and redo some assembly once I had opened the third bed with separate instructions.
Cautiously optimistic
The metal is very solid (definitely better quality than others we’ve had). The instructions were very complicated to figure out and did not go in a good order. The bunk bed itself was pretty shaky when I got on top to make the bedding. It came with anchors due to risk of tipping. My husband made sure every screw was tight so this was not an assembly issues. I would not plan on having adults, teenager or bigger kids on top! Overall it will work for my kids but with caution.
Awesome Loft Bed
This is an awesome loft bed. I bought it for my Grandson because he has a small bedroom, and needed space for a desk, and this was the perfect solution! He even put LED lights all around it and he loves it! So worth it.
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