I ordered this table for my office and it came with all parts, unscratched, and was easy to assemble by myself. I did follow the recommendation on the directions and I assembled the table on carpet to prevent scratching the surface while putting it together. Very cute and sturdy. I would recommend this table.
This was exactly what I was looking for, it fits great in a small area and it was easy to build instructions are clear ,for the money I spend it's great ,it's also very sturdy.
This is exactly what I was looking for. I did have an issue with one of the screws that was quite frustrating, but overall it was fairly easy to put together. I wish it was slightly sturdier, but thats a minor thing.
This was for my guest room, but I will most likely be purchasing a second table for my hallway.
Just like the picture!
I love this. It's very sturdy as well.
Very nice and easy to assemle
I ordered this table for my office and it came with all parts, unscratched, and was easy to assemble by myself. I did follow the recommendation on the directions and I assembled the table on carpet to prevent scratching the surface while putting it together. Very cute and sturdy. I would recommend this table.
worth it
Any furniture that you buy in this price range is definitely cheaply made. With that being said this is actually a really nice piece of furniture!
I recommend this product.
This was exactly what I was looking for, it fits great in a small area and it was easy to build instructions are clear ,for the money I spend it's great ,it's also very sturdy.
Exactly what I was looking for.
This is exactly what I was looking for. I did have an issue with one of the screws that was quite frustrating, but overall it was fairly easy to put together. I wish it was slightly sturdier, but thats a minor thing. This was for my guest room, but I will most likely be purchasing a second table for my hallway.
Just love it
Just exactly as I vision it, perfect size, easy to assemble..
easy to assemble the perfect height and width for what I was needing.
No complaints
Great stand looks good against my wall
Good quality
Fast shipping, good quality.
Excellent for narrow areas.
Perfect for narrow bedroom, fit a 40 inch flat screen tv on top.
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