All pieces arrived even had left over screw. Wood is very soft so be careful as I put a few scratches and tiny dents in it by accident during assembly. Make sure you have your own allen wrench with a handle because the included one isnt very helpful. Great for people who have small rooms and need that extra storage space.
Love this bunk bed. My one complaint is its not a true white. Its more of an off white. A bit of a bummer since the rest of the furniture is a true white. But overall we love it.
We bought this for our 6 year old and she loves it. It wasnt too difficult to put together and seems to be very sturdy. All the pieces were included and went together fine. If youre looking for space underneath, be sure to check the measurements. Its perfect to sit or lay on a bean bag or something underneath but youre not fitting a desk or any chairs under it. We definitely recommend this!
Definitely took 2 people to assemble but was even better with 3. Followed others advice about not tightening corner posts until everything was in place. That was for sure helpful. It is a very sturdy bed and great quality for the price. We added lights underneath for a fun fort feel.
My 10yr old loves the bed and I do too. Great height for my low ceilings. She and her friends go under to play and read. The full size is perfect for her to grow with which it what I wanted and searched so hard for and its affordable.
I wasnt sure what to expect considering the low cost of this bed, but it far exceeded my expectations. The bed came packaged very well. I was impressed with how protected the pieces of wood were. Everything was in perfect shape, all of the pieces were there and ready to be assembled. My 11 year old daughter and her dad assembled this bed in about an hour and a half. Very easy for the two of them to do together. The bed is very solid and she loves it! There is plenty of space underneath to create a lounging space with a bean bag chair or other type of floor seating. I would recommend this bed. It is a great value for the price, especially considering its solid wood.
Love this bed frame
My daughter loves this bed! It did take me awhile to put together. It wasnt difficult, just time consuming. Would purchase again.
Make sure you have another set of hands.
All pieces arrived even had left over screw. Wood is very soft so be careful as I put a few scratches and tiny dents in it by accident during assembly. Make sure you have your own allen wrench with a handle because the included one isnt very helpful. Great for people who have small rooms and need that extra storage space.
Not pure white
Love this bunk bed. My one complaint is its not a true white. Its more of an off white. A bit of a bummer since the rest of the furniture is a true white. But overall we love it.
Well constructed, easy to assemble bed
We bought this for our 6 year old and she loves it. It wasnt too difficult to put together and seems to be very sturdy. All the pieces were included and went together fine. If youre looking for space underneath, be sure to check the measurements. Its perfect to sit or lay on a bean bag or something underneath but youre not fitting a desk or any chairs under it. We definitely recommend this!
Great lifted option
Definitely took 2 people to assemble but was even better with 3. Followed others advice about not tightening corner posts until everything was in place. That was for sure helpful. It is a very sturdy bed and great quality for the price. We added lights underneath for a fun fort feel.
Very sturdy and easy to assemble
Very sturdy and a breeze to assemble.
Great bed to grow with.
My 10yr old loves the bed and I do too. Great height for my low ceilings. She and her friends go under to play and read. The full size is perfect for her to grow with which it what I wanted and searched so hard for and its affordable.
put it in my convesion van .Great fit
fairly simple assembleI added some structural reinforcement. accomplished what I bought it for
Awesome value
Would recommend this bunk over and over perfect fit
Sturdy and easy to assemble! Perfect for my 11 year old daughter.
I wasnt sure what to expect considering the low cost of this bed, but it far exceeded my expectations. The bed came packaged very well. I was impressed with how protected the pieces of wood were. Everything was in perfect shape, all of the pieces were there and ready to be assembled. My 11 year old daughter and her dad assembled this bed in about an hour and a half. Very easy for the two of them to do together. The bed is very solid and she loves it! There is plenty of space underneath to create a lounging space with a bean bag chair or other type of floor seating. I would recommend this bed. It is a great value for the price, especially considering its solid wood.
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