I was looking for a toy box to keep in my living room and to provide a surface for my 18 month old to play with some of her toys. This bench is the perfect fit and matched my decor!
I bought this item 3 weeks ago and am a long time customer of . I never thought will sell cheap products like this. Its a toy shoe box, and so delicate. The width of the seating area is so thin even a 7 yrs old cant sit on it. Utterly a toddler size bench. The drawers can hardly carry 3 kids shoes in one drawer and can easily fall off. When I received this product the cushion was already torn and in 2 weeks the drawer came off. Please dont spend 100 dollars on it you can get better items in wayfair.
Really happy with this purchase. Not any more difficult to assemble than stuff, took me about 30 mins. Feels pretty sturdy with my 200 lbs frame. Each cabinet fits 4 adult sizes shoes just fine. Im not a big fan of the handles that came with the kit, so I bought my own instead, its a subjective personal taste, so I wont count it against the product. Overall, great value for money.
Easy to assemble. It took my about 40 minutes to assemble the whole bench and I spent an extra 20 minutes putting on different handles to match our house better. Overall not bad! The major downside is the shoes that fit... Well we have kid shoes and some of those barely fit! I knew that it was small after reading reviews but I was surprised my toddlers shoes were almost too thick for it. So absolutely keep that in mind when buying it. You could not install the seperating shelf and have 2 bigger cubbies to hold different shoes. I wish there was a way to keep the cushion on the bench, some sort of velcro would be niceee. I will buy some command strips and use those to help. Overall, not difficult to assemble and it looks gooddd!
gooddd love it!!!! thanks!
got it for a christmas present for my mom, she liked it. definitely a gooddd purchase
Sturdy and simple assembly
I assembled it myself with no issues in less than an hour. It looks niceee and is sturdy. Id say its worth the price.
A little over priced but ok
Daughter was happy with it using it in her mud room
Perfect! Extremely happy!!
I was looking for a toy box to keep in my living room and to provide a surface for my 18 month old to play with some of her toys. This bench is the perfect fit and matched my decor!
Customer please be aware that this product is so delicate
I bought this item 3 weeks ago and am a long time customer of . I never thought will sell cheap products like this. Its a toy shoe box, and so delicate. The width of the seating area is so thin even a 7 yrs old cant sit on it. Utterly a toddler size bench. The drawers can hardly carry 3 kids shoes in one drawer and can easily fall off. When I received this product the cushion was already torn and in 2 weeks the drawer came off. Please dont spend 100 dollars on it you can get better items in wayfair.
love it!!!! gooddd gift!
Really happy with this purchase. Not any more difficult to assemble than stuff, took me about 30 mins. Feels pretty sturdy with my 200 lbs frame. Each cabinet fits 4 adult sizes shoes just fine. Im not a big fan of the handles that came with the kit, so I bought my own instead, its a subjective personal taste, so I wont count it against the product. Overall, great value for money.
Tedious to assemble
Looks niceee but takes a hell lot of time to assemble
Very gooddd looking but the hell to assemble
It took half a day to assemble it due to poor instructions but its very charming.
Meant for child shoes but overall a niceee bench
Easy to assemble. It took my about 40 minutes to assemble the whole bench and I spent an extra 20 minutes putting on different handles to match our house better. Overall not bad! The major downside is the shoes that fit... Well we have kid shoes and some of those barely fit! I knew that it was small after reading reviews but I was surprised my toddlers shoes were almost too thick for it. So absolutely keep that in mind when buying it. You could not install the seperating shelf and have 2 bigger cubbies to hold different shoes. I wish there was a way to keep the cushion on the bench, some sort of velcro would be niceee. I will buy some command strips and use those to help. Overall, not difficult to assemble and it looks gooddd!
niceee product!
We got this for our dogs to look out the window. niceee sturdy bench.
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