Very organized, detailed instructions for assembly. Everything is numbered/labeled to match diagrams. The frame feels sturdy and durable. My only comment is they should have made the ladders able to pull out at an anglethey are a bit uncomfortable to climb, especially if you have a tall kid. We resorted to a step ladder instead. No storage space so Im not sure why that is an option to give stars for. Overall I like it. We will see how it goes when changing bedding as getting up there is not the most comfortable for an adult.
Bought this for my daughters 9th birthday to give her a cool big kid room. She LOVES it. It is extremely sturdy and like other reviewers we used the wall anchors to hang a rod for curtains. I researched so many that were way cheaper but Im glad I went with this bed it is worth it!
Got this for our 8 almost 9 year old grandson. Only complaint is there is no opening to get on the bed and he has to jump over. And harder to get off the bed. But good purchase
Been about a week with the frame set up and pretty stoked in it so far. Live in a small house so the extra room for a living room in my room is really nice. Got some pool noodle type foam padding and zip tied em on the ladder then secured with medical wrap for extra tightness and comfort. A little wonky going up and down but used big books on the back and sides for extra support. Worth it for me and the price. Put a nice loveseat below and love it.
Nice product with organized instructions for assembly.
Very organized, detailed instructions for assembly. Everything is numbered/labeled to match diagrams. The frame feels sturdy and durable. My only comment is they should have made the ladders able to pull out at an anglethey are a bit uncomfortable to climb, especially if you have a tall kid. We resorted to a step ladder instead. No storage space so Im not sure why that is an option to give stars for. Overall I like it. We will see how it goes when changing bedding as getting up there is not the most comfortable for an adult.
Worth every penny
Bought this for my daughters 9th birthday to give her a cool big kid room. She LOVES it. It is extremely sturdy and like other reviewers we used the wall anchors to hang a rod for curtains. I researched so many that were way cheaper but Im glad I went with this bed it is worth it!
No entry to mattress.
Got this for our 8 almost 9 year old grandson. Only complaint is there is no opening to get on the bed and he has to jump over. And harder to get off the bed. But good purchase
Living room in your bedroom
Been about a week with the frame set up and pretty stoked in it so far. Live in a small house so the extra room for a living room in my room is really nice. Got some pool noodle type foam padding and zip tied em on the ladder then secured with medical wrap for extra tightness and comfort. A little wonky going up and down but used big books on the back and sides for extra support. Worth it for me and the price. Put a nice loveseat below and love it.
Assembly was pretty long but worth it
Takes a while to assemble but quality product. Some of the holes dont seem to line up but keep messing with it and youll eventually get it.
the sturdiness
Works great for my rowdy boys
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