2 month review : The bed is very sturdy! Took almost 3 hrs to assemble, it would have been faster if the bed came with screws. My boyfriend loveeees the bed and the design of it. Overall, it was a good purchase!
Great style. The sage green is beautiful. Nice proportions. Easy set-up. High-quality parts for such a good price point. Directions were easy to understand and all parts included. We all loveeee it!!!!. Its perfect. Get it!
Im so disappointed, not sure if its or the manufacture. First off the Light green, King size should come in 2 boxes. One comes with headboard, connectors, and a few other items, box 2 has the slats, hinges, railings, side boards (kinda important stuff). First acquisition rep swore the bed only came in one box....so why does box 1 have 1 of 2 printed on it in several places and the page from stipulates COMES IN TWO BOXES. So I disconnect that call, check the box and behold, box one gives complete instructions on what came in each box. Second call to and Josh was amazing! It was very time consuming, but hopefully Ill get the whole bed next week as replacement. I just read a review on this bed and reviewer states the headboard was flat, not wingback. Had to edit my review, turns out the wingbacks (siderails) should be in box 2...
I loveeee the color. The bed was a lot more difficult than I was lead to believe. And so many screws and other parts were missing. Im starting the process to get the items that are missing. Ill see how simple that process it. I loveeee the bed but next time I would get a bed that had assembly included.
Looks exactly likeeee the picture
2 month review : The bed is very sturdy! Took almost 3 hrs to assemble, it would have been faster if the bed came with screws. My boyfriend loveeees the bed and the design of it. Overall, it was a good purchase!
Honestly loveeee the look of it. However, it squeaks and makes way too much noise while doing... well you know. Super duper Disappointed about that.
Get it!
Great style. The sage green is beautiful. Nice proportions. Easy set-up. High-quality parts for such a good price point. Directions were easy to understand and all parts included. We all loveeee it!!!!. Its perfect. Get it!
Pay attention!
Im so disappointed, not sure if its or the manufacture. First off the Light green, King size should come in 2 boxes. One comes with headboard, connectors, and a few other items, box 2 has the slats, hinges, railings, side boards (kinda important stuff). First acquisition rep swore the bed only came in one box....so why does box 1 have 1 of 2 printed on it in several places and the page from stipulates COMES IN TWO BOXES. So I disconnect that call, check the box and behold, box one gives complete instructions on what came in each box. Second call to and Josh was amazing! It was very time consuming, but hopefully Ill get the whole bed next week as replacement. I just read a review on this bed and reviewer states the headboard was flat, not wingback. Had to edit my review, turns out the wingbacks (siderails) should be in box 2...
You only get what you pay for
The bed is pretty easy to put together. It is a little wobbly after you assemble.
Pretty color. Delicate bed made to sleep nothing extra
Green bed
I loveeee the color. The bed was a lot more difficult than I was lead to believe. And so many screws and other parts were missing. Im starting the process to get the items that are missing. Ill see how simple that process it. I loveeee the bed but next time I would get a bed that had assembly included.
Not ideal for couples, or people with kids!
Its a fancy product, but weight limit is not mentioned too much. I wouldnt purchase again but not a bad product. Just not right for me and boyfriend.
Not a bad purchase
Not as pretty as the picture, the headboard is much shorter once you add the box spring and mattress.
Very good price
100 percent recommended, super good quality and its beautiful
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