Very easy to follow instructions for assembly. Sturdy bed for a great price! We got this for our toddler, but my husband lays down with him in it and I can sit on it to read to him at night, so its sturdy enough to hold an adult. The only thing Im unhappy with, is that the mattress slides around pretty easy, but its manageable.
Had for a couple months now and has yet to squeak! Very easy to assemble and is super cute for what it was worth! (Note me and my boyfriend sleep on it and we both weigh put together little over 500 pounds!)
I love this bed frame because it is so beautiful, modern, and most importantly, its very strong!! Worth the purchase, especially if youre a college student on a budget.
Overall this is a solid bed. Looks great and is well priced. The only item Im getting used to is the gap in the and my pillow slipping through when I sleep.
This bed has class and looks so nice. It was pretty easy to assemble. It is very sturdy and has the extra for being able to put things under the bed if you need to. I am pleased with the price I think I got a real good value
Great value
My husband out this together and he didnt bitch about it so I know it must have went well.
Very cute bed
Very easy to follow instructions for assembly. Sturdy bed for a great price! We got this for our toddler, but my husband lays down with him in it and I can sit on it to read to him at night, so its sturdy enough to hold an adult. The only thing Im unhappy with, is that the mattress slides around pretty easy, but its manageable.
Great bed frame
Love this gram for my son, very sturdy, looks nice
Very sturdy!
Had for a couple months now and has yet to squeak! Very easy to assemble and is super cute for what it was worth! (Note me and my boyfriend sleep on it and we both weigh put together little over 500 pounds!)
Very Comfortable
Was more than I expected for the price. Very impressed.
Looked at a lot of frames,most had s. This one is very sturdy and nice loo. I couldnt be happier!
I love this bed frame because it is so beautiful, modern, and most importantly, its very strong!! Worth the purchase, especially if youre a college student on a budget.
Good bed and nice loo
Overall this is a solid bed. Looks great and is well priced. The only item Im getting used to is the gap in the and my pillow slipping through when I sleep.
Very impressive!
Easy to put together, took about an hour. The bed is very sturdy and looks very nice! Great buy!
Great bed
This bed has class and looks so nice. It was pretty easy to assemble. It is very sturdy and has the extra for being able to put things under the bed if you need to. I am pleased with the price I think I got a real good value
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