It seems sturdy and well made. I got rid of my old box springs and this has been perfect with under-bed storage! It took me a bit to put it together because the instructions were so-so and could have been more exact. I used my own tools to put it together since the ones provided made the job more difficult.
Its very basic and you get what you pay for. Its cheap metal, the ball posts are wobbly because they dont attach well, the slats will push upwards and move if you dont have a a heavy mattress.
We bought this bed for our daughters big girl bed. It was very easy to put together and it very nice and pretty white to match my daughters room. It it exceptionally cheaper than a lot of other white metal frame beds on . It was very easy for my husband and I to put together in less than an hour Christmas eve night. It is very sturdy and matched well with a gel foam mattress. Tall enough to put storage underneath if wanted. Not too tall for a 4 year old to sleep on safely. We loveee it!!!. It did take a minute to get here but it was the holidays. I think it took about 3 weeks. when I messaged the company about it they were very helpful and very quickly we received the bed and before Christmas. Customer service was easy and great! Very happy with this purchase!
loveee it!!!!!!!
loveee it!!!!! Easy to assemble and very sturdy. Im sleeping so much better. Was definitely worth the $money$ I spent.
Cant wait to build it
Just got it today not sure on assembley yet will update when I build it .
Great for storage
It seems sturdy and well made. I got rid of my old box springs and this has been perfect with under-bed storage! It took me a bit to put it together because the instructions were so-so and could have been more exact. I used my own tools to put it together since the ones provided made the job more difficult.
Black iron bed
Was pretty easy to put together will need two people
You get what you pay for
Its very basic and you get what you pay for. Its cheap metal, the ball posts are wobbly because they dont attach well, the slats will push upwards and move if you dont have a a heavy mattress.
Great for the price
Bed does hold up to me and my pregnant wifes weight but is kinda noisy when we get playful
Great, super I loveee it!!! and it makes your rest very comfortable I recommend it
Make sure all parts arent bent or damaged
It was okay until I got to the last screw and that hole corner was bent and my screws wouldnt go threw the hole
Very good price for quality of product.
Easy to assemble and very sturdy. Got 2 of these for my teenagers and I really recommend it.
Very nice bed !
We bought this bed for our daughters big girl bed. It was very easy to put together and it very nice and pretty white to match my daughters room. It it exceptionally cheaper than a lot of other white metal frame beds on . It was very easy for my husband and I to put together in less than an hour Christmas eve night. It is very sturdy and matched well with a gel foam mattress. Tall enough to put storage underneath if wanted. Not too tall for a 4 year old to sleep on safely. We loveee it!!!. It did take a minute to get here but it was the holidays. I think it took about 3 weeks. when I messaged the company about it they were very helpful and very quickly we received the bed and before Christmas. Customer service was easy and great! Very happy with this purchase!
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