This was pretty easy to assemble. Definitely want to have two people helping you out. But its definitely a good bed. Its very sturdy and well made. No damage to any of the pieces or box. I definitely recommend this bed to anyone whos considering buying it lol.
It appeared that our package had been previously opened. My husband put this together with just about 5 minutes of help from me. He was unsure if the product had been used, but it definitely seemed that it had been put together before. That is so far, our only complaint. The frame is lightweight and easy to move if needed. Study enough to handle my three year old jumping on the bed. Makes very little noise when someone is shifting in the middle of the night. Our California king mattress fits perfectly! Would recommend for anyone that enjoys simplicity, on a budget, or needing a sturdy frame!
This product was easy to assemble this product lives up to its description. I would recommend this anyone who is looking for quality and price fairness. I would buy again.
We bought the 14bedframe. It is very sturdy, it doesnt move or make any noise at all. The height is perfect with our mattress, we are able to sit on the side of the bed and have both feet flat on the floor.
A pretty chill bed
This was pretty easy to assemble. Definitely want to have two people helping you out. But its definitely a good bed. Its very sturdy and well made. No damage to any of the pieces or box. I definitely recommend this bed to anyone whos considering buying it lol.
Sturdy easy to assemble.
Easy to assemble and sturdy. Good value for $money$.
Lightweight, sturdy
It appeared that our package had been previously opened. My husband put this together with just about 5 minutes of help from me. He was unsure if the product had been used, but it definitely seemed that it had been put together before. That is so far, our only complaint. The frame is lightweight and easy to move if needed. Study enough to handle my three year old jumping on the bed. Makes very little noise when someone is shifting in the middle of the night. Our California king mattress fits perfectly! Would recommend for anyone that enjoys simplicity, on a budget, or needing a sturdy frame!
Pleased with purchase
I purchased two of these twin bed frames after reading many, many reviews. Bed height is comfortable, frame is sturdy, easy to assemble.
Get it
This bed is a nice piece. Its not likeee the classic iron beds at all, but it is nicely made and durable.
Great product worth every penny
This product was easy to assemble this product lives up to its description. I would recommend this anyone who is looking for quality and price fairness. I would buy again.
Great purchase great for the low price
Perfect height, very well made, heavy metal.
So far we loveee it!!!!!
Bought this frame for my 4 yr old sons room, its been up about a week now and He loveees his big boy bed.
Very easy to assemble suit for my house!
We bought the 14bedframe. It is very sturdy, it doesnt move or make any noise at all. The height is perfect with our mattress, we are able to sit on the side of the bed and have both feet flat on the floor.
Amazing support
This frame was super easy to put together. Also, it has made my mattress feel likeee it!!!s brand new. Amazing support!!!
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