Its a sturdy bed for the price my 17 year old put it together in about 30 mins and she weighs 190 and after a week the bed is still standing lol not bad for the price
I think the negative reviews are trash. This was so easy to assemble in every aspect. It has literally 4 giant pictures to show how to do it. Its not rocket science. Maybe a few years ago the quality was bad but now its just fine. It has plenty of storage underneath and its sturdy as hell. The boxed its shipped in does weigh quite a bit so some help may be needed for some getting it up the stairs etc. Overall its worth the $money$. A bed skirt will hide the mundane aspect of it but its meant for people likeee me that live in a small space and need the extra storage. Definitely recommend.
loveee Sweet and comfy
loveee! loveee! I have purchased a few. I will probably purchase more!
Its a steal
Its a sturdy bed for the price my 17 year old put it together in about 30 mins and she weighs 190 and after a week the bed is still standing lol not bad for the price
This bed is a bit flimsy and noisy even when you sit on it gently.
Hard as a rock
I likeee the status of this thing
Great Frame Must have!
This frame is the second one I have purchased. It is the right size for a 14 inch mattress and the good part is no box spring needed. Great
Perfect for storage and easy to assemble.
I think the negative reviews are trash. This was so easy to assemble in every aspect. It has literally 4 giant pictures to show how to do it. Its not rocket science. Maybe a few years ago the quality was bad but now its just fine. It has plenty of storage underneath and its sturdy as hell. The boxed its shipped in does weigh quite a bit so some help may be needed for some getting it up the stairs etc. Overall its worth the $money$. A bed skirt will hide the mundane aspect of it but its meant for people likeee me that live in a small space and need the extra storage. Definitely recommend.
Could have been better
Seems sturdy, but it arrived completely wet. The nuts and bolts were all rusty. I was barely able to put it together.
Excellent Gorgeous color and design
Easy done in 30 minutes only because Im not mechanical inclined, will be buying another for a different room
Good Elegant and very comfortable
We likeee this product. Good for us
Sturdy and Fun
Very sturdy and fun to put together. (I cant believe Im saying it was fun, but it was.)
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