I cant believe how easy this was to assemble. I love to build things and I was a little disappointed that this was too easy to assemble but i know its actually a good thing. It is strong and sturdy. Great quality which is surprising for something that was easy to build. It is a beautiful designed bed and just way too perfect. To sum it up it is unbelievably perfect in every way.. too good to be true.
It took just about 3 hours to assemble myself. The instructions were very easy to follow and very detailed! I would recommend some sort of hand or power tool the same size as the L wrench that they give you, I ended up with a few callouses. Otherwise my only complaint is that once its finished and you have the box spring and mattress on top of it, the headboard pushes the mattress forward to dangle off the boxspring on the bottom.
This bed is super cute and sturdy. Assembling it was a task. The bed absolutely needs a box spring. I bought a bed in 1 mattress from and it fits perfectly with this bed. Not a lot of room between the mattress and headboard and thats how my daughter wanted it.
Easy to assemble because I actually had two other people do it! Lol. It took them about an hour and 15 minutes from start to finish. It looks expensive!
Good sturdy bed
Would have given 5 stars but headboard was slightly damaged from shipping. Although you cant notice it. Very nice quality for the amount paid
I cant believe how easy this was to assemble. I love to build things and I was a little disappointed that this was too easy to assemble but i know its actually a good thing. It is strong and sturdy. Great quality which is surprising for something that was easy to build. It is a beautiful designed bed and just way too perfect. To sum it up it is unbelievably perfect in every way.. too good to be true.
Easy to assemble a good frame
Had to order support boards for my mattress but overall a good frame
The bed is higher now!
I love it it looks beautiful!
Love it take a few hours
Does take a few hours and motivation but its worth it
Overall very nice and s
It took just about 3 hours to assemble myself. The instructions were very easy to follow and very detailed! I would recommend some sort of hand or power tool the same size as the L wrench that they give you, I ended up with a few callouses. Otherwise my only complaint is that once its finished and you have the box spring and mattress on top of it, the headboard pushes the mattress forward to dangle off the boxspring on the bottom.
Super cute and nice for the price
This bed is super cute and sturdy. Assembling it was a task. The bed absolutely needs a box spring. I bought a bed in 1 mattress from and it fits perfectly with this bed. Not a lot of room between the mattress and headboard and thats how my daughter wanted it.
Beauty at a decent price
Easy to assemble because I actually had two other people do it! Lol. It took them about an hour and 15 minutes from start to finish. It looks expensive!
Great bed
Better than I expected. Great bed for my son
Excellent price
Excellent price, very nice looking.
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