I like the fact that it is way sturdier than I anticipated, it is the perfect height fits nicely in smaller rooms. I would highly recommend this bunk bed to families with multiple children between ages 3/16. Budget friendly, beautiful solid color, matched black dresser perfectly. All around good purchase!
Product was easy to assemble but the small parts are a little frustrating when clipping together. Overall sturdiness once complete is decent, but top bunk should be even and not heavier on one side.
My boys have used this for about 2 months and they love it. We have lower ceilings (8 feet) and my 4 and 5 year old can stand up on the top bunk which is nice. The slats are each connected so they dont slide around and are close together so the mattress feels sturdy.
I can get up there just fine too and feel very safe.
Good bunk bed low height, makes it an ideal frame to purchase if you live in an apt. or simply have a medium size bedroom. Took me about 3 hours or so to put together, if you have help itll be obviously faster to assemble. Use only hand tools which are given in the package.
Pretty simple to put together, just time consuming especially if youre doing it by yourself. Its very sturdy with very little movement or wiggle. I anchored the top bunk to the wall for extra security and support but Ive climbed up on the top bunk trying to move it and cant. The height of both bunks was a huge selling point for me since I have low ceilings. Im using it for my 5 and 10 year olds. So far its been a hit.
I was disappointed that there is zero space for storage under the bottom bed I Really should have paid attention to that, my fault. The beds took a long time to put together, but the instructions were fine and I had no problem. Two of us worked on it. The beds are sturdy, and I can have all the grandkids sleep over now!
Easy to assemble if you read and follow directions. My husband is an idiot and put bars opposite of where they went so we had to undo it and reassemble. Other than that, its super sturdy and fits perfectly in my boys room. Doesnt take up much space. Really like it!!
Takes a while to set up but its easy
Good sleep on this bunk bed. Could be sturdier for 2nd floor but it still good.
Highly recommend
The shipping was quick easy to put together light weight highly recommended for small kids
I love this Bunk Bed, NO REGRETS
I like the fact that it is way sturdier than I anticipated, it is the perfect height fits nicely in smaller rooms. I would highly recommend this bunk bed to families with multiple children between ages 3/16. Budget friendly, beautiful solid color, matched black dresser perfectly. All around good purchase!
Good value and easy to assemble
Product was easy to assemble but the small parts are a little frustrating when clipping together. Overall sturdiness once complete is decent, but top bunk should be even and not heavier on one side.
Sturdy slats
My boys have used this for about 2 months and they love it. We have lower ceilings (8 feet) and my 4 and 5 year old can stand up on the top bunk which is nice. The slats are each connected so they dont slide around and are close together so the mattress feels sturdy. I can get up there just fine too and feel very safe.
The top bunk portion should only be used by someone weighing less than 120 lbs
Good bunk bed low height, makes it an ideal frame to purchase if you live in an apt. or simply have a medium size bedroom. Took me about 3 hours or so to put together, if you have help itll be obviously faster to assemble. Use only hand tools which are given in the package.
Good Bed
Pretty simple to put together, just time consuming especially if youre doing it by yourself. Its very sturdy with very little movement or wiggle. I anchored the top bunk to the wall for extra security and support but Ive climbed up on the top bunk trying to move it and cant. The height of both bunks was a huge selling point for me since I have low ceilings. Im using it for my 5 and 10 year olds. So far its been a hit.
Poor quality
My kids did not even have it I believe 4 months and the trundle and one of the beds is completely broken very disappointed.
Its sturdy and a nice bright blue
I was disappointed that there is zero space for storage under the bottom bed I Really should have paid attention to that, my fault. The beds took a long time to put together, but the instructions were fine and I had no problem. Two of us worked on it. The beds are sturdy, and I can have all the grandkids sleep over now!
Easy to assemble if you read and follow directions. My husband is an idiot and put bars opposite of where they went so we had to undo it and reassemble. Other than that, its super sturdy and fits perfectly in my boys room. Doesnt take up much space. Really like it!!
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