you will need about 2 hours the box weighs over 115 pounds so if you are small or physically unable, you will need a friend just to move the box. It took me a little over 2 hours to build the full frame. It is sturdy enough for 2 people. I ordered a and the bed post looks great. the frame hidden storage really works well for being inexpensive. I recommend this bed frame very well engineered and inexpensive. Once you put it together moving it may be a quite a challenge because of how it fits together but again its only 115 pounds and will support over 700 pounds easy.
We bought this bed for my 11 year old son. In less than 3 months, the main center support beam has bent and two of the wooden support have split. Hes an adult/sized kid, but, still, this bed should not be in this condition after such a short time of normal use. Additionally, the instructions for assembly were not clear or easy to follow and the drawers do not stay under the bed well (which we could have absolutely overlooked if the end product was aming). All in all, extremely disappointed!
Pretty easy to put together. Doesnt take too long if you have two working on it. Its only been a week but seems to hold up well and the storage underneath is an added bonus.
It took me 3 hours and 42 minutes to put it up by myself. The drawers were hard to put together because the screws wouldnt go thru so I made it work. Cute bed, I highly recommend.
Great Frame, you still need a mattress and a bed base for the frame
you will need about 2 hours the box weighs over 115 pounds so if you are small or physically unable, you will need a friend just to move the box. It took me a little over 2 hours to build the full frame. It is sturdy enough for 2 people. I ordered a and the bed post looks great. the frame hidden storage really works well for being inexpensive. I recommend this bed frame very well engineered and inexpensive. Once you put it together moving it may be a quite a challenge because of how it fits together but again its only 115 pounds and will support over 700 pounds easy.
Look for a better product
We bought this bed for my 11 year old son. In less than 3 months, the main center support beam has bent and two of the wooden support have split. Hes an adult/sized kid, but, still, this bed should not be in this condition after such a short time of normal use. Additionally, the instructions for assembly were not clear or easy to follow and the drawers do not stay under the bed well (which we could have absolutely overlooked if the end product was aming). All in all, extremely disappointed!
So sturdy
Bought this for studio apartment perfect!!
Love this bed! Me and my husband put the bed together in about 2 hours. We went with a low profile box spring for a little extra support.
is cheap
The is never touched and is starting to look like crap. It looks like cat hair stuck to it but I have no animals.
So far so good
Pretty easy to put together. Doesnt take too long if you have two working on it. Its only been a week but seems to hold up well and the storage underneath is an added bonus.
I love this product, the beds are sturdy and the storage is very useful. very nice to look at as well
It had all of its parts
Easy it put together. Bed frame
Cute bed
It took me 3 hours and 42 minutes to put it up by myself. The drawers were hard to put together because the screws wouldnt go thru so I made it work. Cute bed, I highly recommend.
Its ok and worth the price
It worth money and bed fame is strong but bed drawers are swing a little bit
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