Easy assembly. Seems sturdy. Only flaw I found is there is a slight gap between drawers and the frame of the table. Other than that its perfect for what we were looking for.
I purchase this for my small space near my staircase. I needed something tall and narrow. had it half the price of other websites. Super easy to put together. You just twist the legs on. I gave it 4 starts because the color is off. Its definitely not blue at all. The photos appeared as if it was a mint green but its actually a slightly darker shade of green and not as neon/bright looking as the photo. It also had an area where the paint chipped off. Its a nice cheap but good quality purchase if you dont mind some minor flaws/dings/chips. I like a rustic look so its not bad.
Flowers, rattan basket, plant and plant stand are all from as well.
Bought the navy console thinking itd be as depicted in pictures but its darker in real life. Otherwise, its a perfect little cabinet for underneath my tv.
Love the color, but overall, doesn't line up. Drawers and front lines are wonky and uneven. I still like it and am not bothering to pack it all up and send it back, but it irks me when I walk by. Packaged for shipment well.
I was hesitant to order this based on some of the reviews that found the table to be very sturdy and super easy to assemble. The color was beautiful and went with my office Decour perfectly.
Great piece: sturdy and decorative
Worth every penny
Beautiful. Assemble tip, drawers removed by underneath plastic triger
Great addition!
So cute and easy to put together!
Looks like the picture, good quality
Easy assembly. Seems sturdy. Only flaw I found is there is a slight gap between drawers and the frame of the table. Other than that its perfect for what we were looking for.
Perfect side table
Love they sturdiness and color
Really cute for small space
I purchase this for my small space near my staircase. I needed something tall and narrow. had it half the price of other websites. Super easy to put together. You just twist the legs on. I gave it 4 starts because the color is off. Its definitely not blue at all. The photos appeared as if it was a mint green but its actually a slightly darker shade of green and not as neon/bright looking as the photo. It also had an area where the paint chipped off. Its a nice cheap but good quality purchase if you dont mind some minor flaws/dings/chips. I like a rustic look so its not bad. Flowers, rattan basket, plant and plant stand are all from as well.
Poor Quality wood and paint
I bought this because the reviews were good. I am disappointed in the quality and workmanship. Definitely not worth the price. Returning it.
Cute but color is off
Bought the navy console thinking itd be as depicted in pictures but its darker in real life. Otherwise, its a perfect little cabinet for underneath my tv.
Well packaged, but wonky.
Love the color, but overall, doesn't line up. Drawers and front lines are wonky and uneven. I still like it and am not bothering to pack it all up and send it back, but it irks me when I walk by. Packaged for shipment well.
Easy set up and great quality
I was hesitant to order this based on some of the reviews that found the table to be very sturdy and super easy to assemble. The color was beautiful and went with my office Decour perfectly.
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