Overall this is a good sturdy desk. My only issue was the box was ripped and items appeared stuffed inside. Im not sure if that is what caused a small chip in the large desk area or not. For the money, this is not a bad option, just know that they dont appear packaged well.
This desk was easy enough to assemble if you have experience with -like or -like furniture. The box was a bit torn up, but nothing inside was damaged. The end result looks very nice and my son is happy with it.
Smaller than I expected but great desk! I like that its an L shape so that I have more room. Assembling is pretty hard in my point of view and if you do it wrong the first time, its a hassle! Overall love the look of it and the leg room! Didnt come scratched and all the pieces fit great
My daughter and her husband had a very difficult time setting this up. Fair warning - it can only be constructed in one specific way, you cannot try to mirror the instructions so that the shelving will end up on the opposite side. They figured that out the hard way.
Other than user error on the instructions, they have enjoyed using it. The color and style is nice and there is plenty of leg room. One thing to note, the monitor stand is not very secure. They decided to use it as a decor stand because no matter how much they tightened the screws, it didnt feel secure enough to put a monitor. Overall however, as mentioned before, they do like it and will most likely use it for a long time (other than the monitor stand, the desk is very stable and secure).
Decent size, love the pocket folder. Assembly was a tad confusing, but not terrible. Unfortunately it came with one of the backing rods completely missing and another broken where its meant to be screwed in. Nothing that kept it from being functional, but a little disappointing.
Desk is sturdy and fairly simple to put together except directions arent so simple to follow. Thats my only issue. I had to leave out the metal that shapes in an X because either I started the set up incorrectly or the desk was defective. However, Im not complaining because I didnt really care for that part as you can see. Desk is very sturdy and spacious!!!!
Good overall for a preteen
Overall this is a good sturdy desk. My only issue was the box was ripped and items appeared stuffed inside. Im not sure if that is what caused a small chip in the large desk area or not. For the money, this is not a bad option, just know that they dont appear packaged well.
Space saver
Easy assembly and perfect size
Nice looking and reasonably well built
This desk was easy enough to assemble if you have experience with -like or -like furniture. The box was a bit torn up, but nothing inside was damaged. The end result looks very nice and my son is happy with it.
Item came used when I bought it new. Came in a damaged box. Assembly instructions were not included.
Great bang for the buck
Smaller than I expected but great desk! I like that its an L shape so that I have more room. Assembling is pretty hard in my point of view and if you do it wrong the first time, its a hassle! Overall love the look of it and the leg room! Didnt come scratched and all the pieces fit great
Ok Desk
My daughter and her husband had a very difficult time setting this up. Fair warning - it can only be constructed in one specific way, you cannot try to mirror the instructions so that the shelving will end up on the opposite side. They figured that out the hard way. Other than user error on the instructions, they have enjoyed using it. The color and style is nice and there is plenty of leg room. One thing to note, the monitor stand is not very secure. They decided to use it as a decor stand because no matter how much they tightened the screws, it didnt feel secure enough to put a monitor. Overall however, as mentioned before, they do like it and will most likely use it for a long time (other than the monitor stand, the desk is very stable and secure).
Cute and functional but missing a piece
Decent size, love the pocket folder. Assembly was a tad confusing, but not terrible. Unfortunately it came with one of the backing rods completely missing and another broken where its meant to be screwed in. Nothing that kept it from being functional, but a little disappointing.
Perfect and Affordable
Desk is sturdy and fairly simple to put together except directions arent so simple to follow. Thats my only issue. I had to leave out the metal that shapes in an X because either I started the set up incorrectly or the desk was defective. However, Im not complaining because I didnt really care for that part as you can see. Desk is very sturdy and spacious!!!!
Fits a tight spot
Easy to assemble Sturdy
I like the desk.
Some whole were not exact.
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