It is not so easy to assemble as other similar products. It is very short. I was expecting it to be taller. Disappointed with the quality. Fortunately it is for my 9 year old who is very petite and will probably last her a year or two.
So, this would 100 be easier to assemble with 2 people. I put this together alone, so it was quite difficult at times, but so worth it. My daughter loves it and gets so excited to sleep in it.
I will update my review in a couple of months, to let everyone know how well it holds up!
Super sturdy in my opinion depends on how much you tighten it. Super easy to assemble. Comes with extra secure pieces to lock into place and what I liked most about it besides the giant space on the bottom for toys. Is also that its not that high its like normal height. The ladder only has 3 steps my son only uses 2 For example. Makes a childs room look neat lol. They love it.
This loft bed is really cute. I assembled it all by myself and my daughter adores this. It is hard to remove that warning sticker so I havent taken it off just yet until I figure out the easiest way. Im just glad my baby girl is happy. I received all parts but I will say when sticking the top bars that are adjacent to one another didnt fit but I used pliers to widen it for it to finally fit. Overall very nice bed.
The bed was good when installed and was really cool for my son. He loves it so I am keeping it, but after several months the screws are all coming loose and the bed is all loose. There are missing screws as I can seem to find some after they fell from the bed. If you dont mind inspecting it like every couple of weeks and tighten loose screws this it the bed for you. If you are like me and have better things to do with your time, dont buy this bed. I would throw out this piece of junk if my son would let me.
This worked perfectly for the room we have set aside for the grandsons bedroom. He adores it and wants to spend more overnights at our place again. Prior we had an air mattress and he would occasionally sleep on the couch. No more. Have found him reading a book and doing his school work on it now. Great purchase.
Junior Loft Bed Frame With Ladder, Pink
My daughter loves her new bed.
Not tall
It is not so easy to assemble as other similar products. It is very short. I was expecting it to be taller. Disappointed with the quality. Fortunately it is for my 9 year old who is very petite and will probably last her a year or two.
It took two people to assemble, but was easy. My son was happy and it was perfect for our small apartment.
Its alright
Not bad for the price my daughter love it
Dont be a fool like me, and build it alone lol
So, this would 100 be easier to assemble with 2 people. I put this together alone, so it was quite difficult at times, but so worth it. My daughter loves it and gets so excited to sleep in it. I will update my review in a couple of months, to let everyone know how well it holds up!
Super sturdy in my opinion depends on how much you tighten it. Super easy to assemble. Comes with extra secure pieces to lock into place and what I liked most about it besides the giant space on the bottom for toys. Is also that its not that high its like normal height. The ladder only has 3 steps my son only uses 2 For example. Makes a childs room look neat lol. They love it.
Got this bunk loft for our boys. We are limited in space and this worked out great for us. My Husband put it together in about an hour.
My daughter loves this bed
This loft bed is really cute. I assembled it all by myself and my daughter adores this. It is hard to remove that warning sticker so I havent taken it off just yet until I figure out the easiest way. Im just glad my baby girl is happy. I received all parts but I will say when sticking the top bars that are adjacent to one another didnt fit but I used pliers to widen it for it to finally fit. Overall very nice bed.
Falling apart
The bed was good when installed and was really cool for my son. He loves it so I am keeping it, but after several months the screws are all coming loose and the bed is all loose. There are missing screws as I can seem to find some after they fell from the bed. If you dont mind inspecting it like every couple of weeks and tighten loose screws this it the bed for you. If you are like me and have better things to do with your time, dont buy this bed. I would throw out this piece of junk if my son would let me.
Grandson loves it
This worked perfectly for the room we have set aside for the grandsons bedroom. He adores it and wants to spend more overnights at our place again. Prior we had an air mattress and he would occasionally sleep on the couch. No more. Have found him reading a book and doing his school work on it now. Great purchase.
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