Pretty nice chair. It is short but it fits in well in the room. The was a pain to assemble. I have assembled lots of furniture over the years but this (with only 6 pieces) gave me a run for my money. Because I don't think I assembled it as well as I should have, its sturdiness is questionable.
It was easy to assemble, just follow Instructions!! The legs are long which makes the chair elegant. It really is a small chair, maybe for a corner? It gives my living room a bit of an accent. The sturdiness is pretty good. I bought the pair but one would have been enough-since they are so small, they are more of a decorative idea! For the price its not bad at all!!
We bought these chairs for our dominoes table. They are the perfect height. They are sturdy and the pattern is very pretty. I didn't give it a 5 star because the seat cushions are too long. I am 5'3and my legs don't touch the floor. I am making it work though!
The chair legs arent level. Even though they have the little adjustable feet you can screw out to level the chair, they then look ridiculous with one of them adjusted all the way out w other 3 legs arent used at all.
A pain to assemble
Pretty nice chair. It is short but it fits in well in the room. The was a pain to assemble. I have assembled lots of furniture over the years but this (with only 6 pieces) gave me a run for my money. Because I don't think I assembled it as well as I should have, its sturdiness is questionable.
Its soo much smaller!! I love them either way!!!
It was easy to assemble, just follow Instructions!! The legs are long which makes the chair elegant. It really is a small chair, maybe for a corner? It gives my living room a bit of an accent. The sturdiness is pretty good. I bought the pair but one would have been enough-since they are so small, they are more of a decorative idea! For the price its not bad at all!!
Broke in 3 months without sitting more than 3 hour
Broke in 3 months without sitting more than 3 hour
Good chairs for a domino table
We bought these chairs for our dominoes table. They are the perfect height. They are sturdy and the pattern is very pretty. I didn't give it a 5 star because the seat cushions are too long. I am 5'3and my legs don't touch the floor. I am making it work though!
Nice accent
They are a very nice addition to our room. They work well for my husband because of his long legs, I use a small pillow as I have fairly short legs.
Bought for my daughter for her new apartment she adored them
Ok but wouldnt recommend this item
The chair legs arent level. Even though they have the little adjustable feet you can screw out to level the chair, they then look ridiculous with one of them adjusted all the way out w other 3 legs arent used at all.
They are cute. Only for decoration.
They are cute. Only for decoration.
Cute chairs
Great comfort
Perfect for the space snd decor.
Perfect for the space snd decor. Not super easy to assemble. Put on honey do list
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