This chair is just what I was looking for as far as the look goes. It was pretty difficult to assemble because the holes for the seat and the handle did not line up correctly. I thought I may have to return it, but we finally got it together.
Both the wood and the fabric is a bit darker than the product photos will lead you to believe. We have some plus sized visitors to our home on a regular basis, and everyone seems to love them (we bought 2). Good looking. The plastic caps that cover the screws had to be wedged into place with pieced of paper towel. A fantastic value.
Well lets start with overall comfort... its lacking. The top of the chair sits right under my shoulder blades and it is super stiff. Like no give at all. Then the bottom cushion is hardly cushioned. Really stiff too. Definitely needs a small pillow like the one pictured to up the comfort level. As for looks, comes across as nice and expensive looking!
I bought two of these chairs as accent chairs for my living room. They were easy to put together, and look amazing in my living room! They seem very sturdy. The wider frame can accommodate larger people as well. Ive had chairs in the past where larger people cant sit on comfortably, so this is a helpful feature. They are easy to clean as well. I would recommend these if youre looking for a nice looking, sturdy, good quality chair. It looks more expensive than it was.
Seller was very quick to help when I had a problem during assembly. The chair looks great and is very comfortable; I use the chair in my office and all my clients tell me how much they like it.
Great buy
Looks great, wide seat, very sturdy.
Love the look of this chair.
This chair is just what I was looking for as far as the look goes. It was pretty difficult to assemble because the holes for the seat and the handle did not line up correctly. I thought I may have to return it, but we finally got it together.
very uncomfortable glad we're only using it for staging a home
quality is good looks great super easy to assemble
Halfway between Charcoal and Grey
Both the wood and the fabric is a bit darker than the product photos will lead you to believe. We have some plus sized visitors to our home on a regular basis, and everyone seems to love them (we bought 2). Good looking. The plastic caps that cover the screws had to be wedged into place with pieced of paper towel. A fantastic value.
Stiff as a board
Well lets start with overall comfort... its lacking. The top of the chair sits right under my shoulder blades and it is super stiff. Like no give at all. Then the bottom cushion is hardly cushioned. Really stiff too. Definitely needs a small pillow like the one pictured to up the comfort level. As for looks, comes across as nice and expensive looking!
Sturdy, good for money
Not the most comfortable chair, but its sturdy and pretty straightforward to assemble. Great for an accent chair.
Well worth it.
I was surprised at how nice this chair was. Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
Beautiful, well-constructed chair
I bought two of these chairs as accent chairs for my living room. They were easy to put together, and look amazing in my living room! They seem very sturdy. The wider frame can accommodate larger people as well. Ive had chairs in the past where larger people cant sit on comfortably, so this is a helpful feature. They are easy to clean as well. I would recommend these if youre looking for a nice looking, sturdy, good quality chair. It looks more expensive than it was.
Great chair for the price; seller very helpful!
Seller was very quick to help when I had a problem during assembly. The chair looks great and is very comfortable; I use the chair in my office and all my clients tell me how much they like it.
Take care to assemble properly.
Love this chair. Clean and classic. Make sure you do not tighten all screws until fully assembled! Wood is a nice dark brown.
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