The screws that were provided were not long enough to assemble. I went to the store and picked up the right size hardware and finished assembly. It was just easier that way because if we wanted to return we would have had to figure out how to ship it back, which at my own fault I destroyed the box it came in.
Overall once assembled, I love the design, its sturdy and fits great in the space. Just took us a bit to get there.
This was going to be used as an accent table and I was very pleased with the quality and sturdiness. Assembly was a little bit of a challenge but even I was able to completed with customer service support. Its very attractive and a great deal for the money
We bought this for our entryway and it ended up being smaller than I would have liked. However, it works out well because we decided we will just put the Christmas tree up in that corner and move the table over to the left once its that time of year. The drawer is shallow but works fine for storing masks, spare change/cash, and other miscellaneous items that you drop off or pick up right by the door. It is very light; the shelves are sturdy for the size but I wouldnt attempt to put anything heavy on it. We have a dog and cat and I wouldnt put a vase on it because Id be scared it would tumble off if they brushed up against the unit. We live in the city so its a good piece of furniture for people who move around often and need inexpensive but reliable furniture. The instructions were not the clearest but I was able to figure them out after realizing they condensed 2/3 pages of instructions into just one diagram. Its important to pay close attention to the pictures on the instructions. Also, do not use a drill! The instructions did not specify that and I tried drilling the screws in the first step, which ended up running through the wood on the bottom shelf. It wasnt a big deal as the shelf sits snuggly in its place and does not budge even without being screwed into the beams. Overall, if you dont plan on this being something you keep for years or intend to pass on as a family piece, its worth the money.
I am in love with this console table. It matches beautifully with the coffee table and TV stand that recommended I buy with it, and both are pictured in the third photo. My boyfriend assembled this piece, and it only took him about an hour. The drawer opens and shuts very smoothly, and the entire table is extremely sturdy. There was a small crack in one of the pieces of wood going across at the bottom of the left leg, but its completely covered up by the bottom shelf, and didnt cause any structural integrity issues. We briefly considered exchanging it, but after we put it together realized that you legitimately cannot tell anything ever happened. I am in love with the way it fits into my living room, and the way it looks dressed up for Christmas! I would definitely buy again.
I really like the narrow width. The finish is a little mottled on some pieces, but Im using them for plant stand with table runners on top. ALOT of storage in a small footprint
Great piece of furniture .
Took about 45 mins to assemble with my partners help.
Love this stand
I love this stand, easy and simple to put together, very sturdy. Im using it temporarily for a TV stand.
Love the design
The screws that were provided were not long enough to assemble. I went to the store and picked up the right size hardware and finished assembly. It was just easier that way because if we wanted to return we would have had to figure out how to ship it back, which at my own fault I destroyed the box it came in. Overall once assembled, I love the design, its sturdy and fits great in the space. Just took us a bit to get there.
Customer service was Very courteous and followed up on every issue.
This was going to be used as an accent table and I was very pleased with the quality and sturdiness. Assembly was a little bit of a challenge but even I was able to completed with customer service support. Its very attractive and a great deal for the money
Its ok for the price
We bought this for our entryway and it ended up being smaller than I would have liked. However, it works out well because we decided we will just put the Christmas tree up in that corner and move the table over to the left once its that time of year. The drawer is shallow but works fine for storing masks, spare change/cash, and other miscellaneous items that you drop off or pick up right by the door. It is very light; the shelves are sturdy for the size but I wouldnt attempt to put anything heavy on it. We have a dog and cat and I wouldnt put a vase on it because Id be scared it would tumble off if they brushed up against the unit. We live in the city so its a good piece of furniture for people who move around often and need inexpensive but reliable furniture. The instructions were not the clearest but I was able to figure them out after realizing they condensed 2/3 pages of instructions into just one diagram. Its important to pay close attention to the pictures on the instructions. Also, do not use a drill! The instructions did not specify that and I tried drilling the screws in the first step, which ended up running through the wood on the bottom shelf. It wasnt a big deal as the shelf sits snuggly in its place and does not budge even without being screwed into the beams. Overall, if you dont plan on this being something you keep for years or intend to pass on as a family piece, its worth the money.
I am in love with this console table. It matches beautifully with the coffee table and TV stand that recommended I buy with it, and both are pictured in the third photo. My boyfriend assembled this piece, and it only took him about an hour. The drawer opens and shuts very smoothly, and the entire table is extremely sturdy. There was a small crack in one of the pieces of wood going across at the bottom of the left leg, but its completely covered up by the bottom shelf, and didnt cause any structural integrity issues. We briefly considered exchanging it, but after we put it together realized that you legitimately cannot tell anything ever happened. I am in love with the way it fits into my living room, and the way it looks dressed up for Christmas! I would definitely buy again.
Absolutely gorgeous recommended for all persons .
Exactly what we ordered
Exactly what we ordered
Pay attention to part s
I really like the narrow width. The finish is a little mottled on some pieces, but Im using them for plant stand with table runners on top. ALOT of storage in a small footprint
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