Easy to assemble, not as sturdy as I would like. We have the queen size and its sturdy so we got a twin. I really wish there were floor supports in the middle of this bed. Just because its a twin doesnt mean an adult wont use it.
This was easy enough to assemble and came well packaged with extra nuts and bolts. The bed frame doesnt make noise or seem to wobble when Im on it, but after a few months of using it Ive noticed many of the individual legs have come loose, and Ive found bolts that have fallen out on my floor. Not a huge deal because it still stands and doesnt seem unsteady when in hse, but I can see it becoming much more of an issue in a few more months
What can I say? Absolutely True to the information provided in review
Sturdy, quiet, looks remarkable, has a different quality feel of sleeping as opposed to the the box springs I have used for ever! Highly recommend!
a great bargain , money well spent
Well made bed
Good looking bed. Sturdy. Not difficult to assemble. A good buy
As described
Easy to assemble.
Easy to assemble, not as sturdy as I would like. We have the queen size and its sturdy so we got a twin. I really wish there were floor supports in the middle of this bed. Just because its a twin doesnt mean an adult wont use it.
You wont regret it.
Excellent queen bed frame. Stable. Easy to put together. No squeaky noise (yet). Great value.
BEAUTIFUL.just as described
Easy to assemble. Im female. Not strong, but this was a no/brainer. My son loves it. Not noisy, nice color for his room decor of the Ocean theme
Very easy to put together .
Im impressed with the quality very well put together and easy to assemble . Sturdy / packaged good /good clear instructions.
good but wants to fall apart
This was easy enough to assemble and came well packaged with extra nuts and bolts. The bed frame doesnt make noise or seem to wobble when Im on it, but after a few months of using it Ive noticed many of the individual legs have come loose, and Ive found bolts that have fallen out on my floor. Not a huge deal because it still stands and doesnt seem unsteady when in hse, but I can see it becoming much more of an issue in a few more months
Looks great. Sleeps great. A bargain all around
What can I say? Absolutely True to the information provided in review Sturdy, quiet, looks remarkable, has a different quality feel of sleeping as opposed to the the box springs I have used for ever! Highly recommend! a great bargain , money well spent
Seems to be great
Had this for a month and so far its tremendous. Ill update if needed
Sturdy and good looking
Very solid and good looking bed thats easy to put together.
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