Excellent product. Very solid and sturdy. Easy to assemble. Instead of sending just an allen wrench they send a ratchet tool which makes assembly even easier.
Bought for my 10 year old. Dont waste your money . It literally is such a cute nice looking bed, but it broke not even a year after we bought it and has no support. Not to mention its so squeaky. For the price that it is I was assuming it would be good quality. The metal is thin along with the boards. She doesnt jump in the bed or anything and it literally snaps more every time she gets into it. Super disappointed
Very light frame but sturdy
the quality of the bed was nice and looks very nice once its all put together. The bedframe was easy to assemble.
This bed is for our spare room and I love it! Nice a compact in length and width but with a lot of room for storage underneath
Easy to put together
Took about an hour to put together. Super simple. Sturdy frame
Very sturdy
Excellent product. Very solid and sturdy. Easy to assemble. Instead of sending just an allen wrench they send a ratchet tool which makes assembly even easier.
Great installation instructions
I was able to install this on my own without help. The instructions were easy to follow and the bed is beautiful
Just what I wanted!
The box was heavy! Lol, but easy to put together! It looks great in my bedroom along with the nightstands. Love love love it!
Dont waste ur Money
Bought for my 10 year old. Dont waste your money . It literally is such a cute nice looking bed, but it broke not even a year after we bought it and has no support. Not to mention its so squeaky. For the price that it is I was assuming it would be good quality. The metal is thin along with the boards. She doesnt jump in the bed or anything and it literally snaps more every time she gets into it. Super disappointed
Very sturdy and great value for money! We would definitely purchase again!
Sturdy. Does not make a noise
This bed frame is solid!
Best purchase ever
So easy to put together. The tools they give are awesome. I mean this was so easy to follow. Best instructions ever
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