Overall, this is a very nice product. The only complaint I have is the second set of cushions are a different color than the first set they sent me that came first. It was very easy to assemble, but having a power drill makes it A LOT easier and faster. The seats are comfortable enough and even though the set is not that high in height, it sits big. A taller person would have not problem sitting if you purchase this. The sellers got back with me quickly and were helpful. I really have no complaints, other than that I mentioned and that was minor. This is my new favorite spot to be everyday.
Perfect fit for our outdoor patio. I love the little stools that come with it, perfect extra seating. It is shorter, but is comfy and perfect for our area.
For the price this set is great! Where I live its super hot so we hav e it been able to use it much but as soon as it cools down we will be outside all of the time. It was pretty easy to put together, I did it all by myself in a few hours.
Its just the look I was going for and its comfortable. I have only had the set for a couple of months. It seems to be structured well for durability. Assembly was a little tricky with some pieces, but overall it was pretty straight forward with the visual step by step images.
We purchased this item about 2 years ago and here are some observations. First, it does the job, with a few issues that are able to be worked out. Dont expect it to be comfortable, its not, its a basic set, but usable. The cushions are short in the back and therefore not supportive, you will need extra pillows to make it comfy, not a big deal. The end piece moves and needs to be attached better. The cushions ARE washable, but be ready for a mess when you remove them. There is a lining that deteriorates badly and when you remove the cushions to wash them that lining must be removed. I suggest you remove the lining up front when assembling them, its useless. I had lining all over my back yard in shreds and it took hours to chase it around in the wind, its sandy texture, like toilet paper. I washed the cushions, used Oxi Clean and they came out decent. Would I buy again, probably, since the price is so good, but I would buy in a darker color, I have the light tan and they really get dirty fast. My sectional is under a roof so I cant comment about how well it would do in the outdoor elements. Hope this helps you.
I am not going to lie this was a bit pain in the ass to assemble, but it was so bad that it its a 3* and if you have help it will be a little better. It looks very nice and you can arrange it however you like it. Its also pretty sturdy because my cousin came and is on the hefty side and the product still was able to hold him up. In all honesty it wasnt a bad buy now our deck looks like it has life to it instead of just regular foldable chairs
It looks good, my 13 yr old assembked it by himself with no issues so its not as hard to assemble as some had me worried it might be. Looks great poolside.
Wonderful Product
Overall, this is a very nice product. The only complaint I have is the second set of cushions are a different color than the first set they sent me that came first. It was very easy to assemble, but having a power drill makes it A LOT easier and faster. The seats are comfortable enough and even though the set is not that high in height, it sits big. A taller person would have not problem sitting if you purchase this. The sellers got back with me quickly and were helpful. I really have no complaints, other than that I mentioned and that was minor. This is my new favorite spot to be everyday.
Nice Outdoor Couch
Perfect fit for our outdoor patio. I love the little stools that come with it, perfect extra seating. It is shorter, but is comfy and perfect for our area.
Its good for the price
For the price this set is great! Where I live its super hot so we hav e it been able to use it much but as soon as it cools down we will be outside all of the time. It was pretty easy to put together, I did it all by myself in a few hours.
The quality of the furniture is great!!!!!
We love the comfort were using it in the backyard in our gebo
7 Pieces Outdoor Patio Furniture is true to description and image.
Its just the look I was going for and its comfortable. I have only had the set for a couple of months. It seems to be structured well for durability. Assembly was a little tricky with some pieces, but overall it was pretty straight forward with the visual step by step images.
A review after 2 years
We purchased this item about 2 years ago and here are some observations. First, it does the job, with a few issues that are able to be worked out. Dont expect it to be comfortable, its not, its a basic set, but usable. The cushions are short in the back and therefore not supportive, you will need extra pillows to make it comfy, not a big deal. The end piece moves and needs to be attached better. The cushions ARE washable, but be ready for a mess when you remove them. There is a lining that deteriorates badly and when you remove the cushions to wash them that lining must be removed. I suggest you remove the lining up front when assembling them, its useless. I had lining all over my back yard in shreds and it took hours to chase it around in the wind, its sandy texture, like toilet paper. I washed the cushions, used Oxi Clean and they came out decent. Would I buy again, probably, since the price is so good, but I would buy in a darker color, I have the light tan and they really get dirty fast. My sectional is under a roof so I cant comment about how well it would do in the outdoor elements. Hope this helps you.
Happy with purchase.
The order came in 3 packages, all on the same day. It took 3/4 hours to assemble (with a few breaks). It fits on our condo deck perfectly.
Pretty good product
I am not going to lie this was a bit pain in the ass to assemble, but it was so bad that it its a 3* and if you have help it will be a little better. It looks very nice and you can arrange it however you like it. Its also pretty sturdy because my cousin came and is on the hefty side and the product still was able to hold him up. In all honesty it wasnt a bad buy now our deck looks like it has life to it instead of just regular foldable chairs
Great set for the price and my 13 assembled by himself.
It looks good, my 13 yr old assembked it by himself with no issues so its not as hard to assemble as some had me worried it might be. Looks great poolside.
Burgendy is red
The burgendy color is red. Red is red.
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