Was super easy to assemble, and feels sturdy. Not the prettiest to look at, but that was expected given the price. The color of the surfaces is a little darker than whats pictured online. If youre living in a smaller apartment like mine or just want a table for a smaller room in a house then the size is great.
When I saw this table I wasnt so sure. Due to the fact that its a square rather than a rectangle table but I gave it a shot and I seriously do not regret it whatsoever! The table is sturdy, heavy, and very beautiful! Putting the table together was so easy. It took me and my fiance about an hour and 15 minutes to put together. The directions were very clear, thorough and easy to follow.
It also made our living room look a bigger as well. In the picture I posted, it looks small but its a very decent size. Its definitely worth it.
Okay, I absolutely love this table. I got it for our living room, and it looks even more expensive than I thought it would. It seriously took me like three hours to assemble, and it was missing a small piece, but it was beautiful when it was all put together. Its very sturdy. It doesnt show stains. And its made our living room look so much better. I DID hit my leg on the corner shortly after putting it up, and it gouged me pretty bad. I got those rubber edge things for the sides, so I wouldnt hurt myself, and the kids would be okay. Just a thought for people with kids.
Great for smaller rooms
Was super easy to assemble, and feels sturdy. Not the prettiest to look at, but that was expected given the price. The color of the surfaces is a little darker than whats pictured online. If youre living in a smaller apartment like mine or just want a table for a smaller room in a house then the size is great.
When I saw this table I wasnt so sure. Due to the fact that its a square rather than a rectangle table but I gave it a shot and I seriously do not regret it whatsoever! The table is sturdy, heavy, and very beautiful! Putting the table together was so easy. It took me and my fiance about an hour and 15 minutes to put together. The directions were very clear, thorough and easy to follow. It also made our living room look a bigger as well. In the picture I posted, it looks small but its a very decent size. Its definitely worth it.
You can do it!
I loved that I could put it together all by myself.
Great item great value
Great product color is great very sturdy great addition to my living room
Solid piece, easy assembly, looks great!
This was exactly what we wanted it to be and fit perfectly in our living room. Very easy to assemble, and is surprisingly strong and sturdy!
Its aight. Not totally solid wood, but its ok.
Nice table for a small office.
A Beautiful Table.
Okay, I absolutely love this table. I got it for our living room, and it looks even more expensive than I thought it would. It seriously took me like three hours to assemble, and it was missing a small piece, but it was beautiful when it was all put together. Its very sturdy. It doesnt show stains. And its made our living room look so much better. I DID hit my leg on the corner shortly after putting it up, and it gouged me pretty bad. I got those rubber edge things for the sides, so I wouldnt hurt myself, and the kids would be okay. Just a thought for people with kids.
Its awesome
Perfect table!
Table was so easy and quick to put together. Looks great in my tiny space too.
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