This is easy to assemble except the are a pain to assemble. Putting the wheels on took the longest. I was thinking of getting another one for my younger daughter but will look for a different one .
Assembly is pretty easy. The only time consuming part is assembling the .
Looks great and very solid.
Keep in mind if your bed is against the wall you cant access two of the .
It took pretty much all day for a single person to put together. I didnt think about the fact that these for full length of the bed, top to bottom, which means that you cant use all 4 if you put either side of the bed on a wall OR if you keep a dresser or night stand next to your bed. Decent space though. And the do not roll on any rails or anything, they sit directly on the floor, loose. They can easily get knocked out of place while opening one side. They roll out easily though, even on carpet.
Bought this bedframe for the guest room. Setup was easy. It looks great, low to the ground and sturdy. I threw on a 12 memory foam mattress on it and its pretty quiet too. The storage is a huge plus. The move easily even on carpet.
This bed SUCKS to put together. Took me 3 days. BUT it looks good, and fits in my space. BUT this thing SUCKS to put together. Not worth if. Too much work. The screw holes were off, the wheels for the are awful to put together. Its looks great, but is terrible to assemble.
Easy to put together
Nice and sturdy.
No bad
This is easy to assemble except the are a pain to assemble. Putting the wheels on took the longest. I was thinking of getting another one for my younger daughter but will look for a different one .
Nice bed. Note: it comes in 2 shipments
Bed looks great. Solid construction. There should be a big notice that this comes in two shipments. Mine came about a week apart.
Works great and looks nice
Works great and gives us the storage that we needed
Very sturdy but low to the ground
Great bed. Very sturdy. It is very low to the ground but we bought some 5 risers and now its perfect.
Great bed and good storage.
Assembly is pretty easy. The only time consuming part is assembling the . Looks great and very solid. Keep in mind if your bed is against the wall you cant access two of the .
Really good, and its is comfortable and it is not like a cheap, bad quality bed.
Cant use a night stand or anything next to the bed because the placement
It took pretty much all day for a single person to put together. I didnt think about the fact that these for full length of the bed, top to bottom, which means that you cant use all 4 if you put either side of the bed on a wall OR if you keep a dresser or night stand next to your bed. Decent space though. And the do not roll on any rails or anything, they sit directly on the floor, loose. They can easily get knocked out of place while opening one side. They roll out easily though, even on carpet.
Sleek and sturdy
Bought this bedframe for the guest room. Setup was easy. It looks great, low to the ground and sturdy. I threw on a 12 memory foam mattress on it and its pretty quiet too. The storage is a huge plus. The move easily even on carpet.
This bed SUCKS to put together. Took me 3 days. BUT it looks good, and fits in my space. BUT this thing SUCKS to put together. Not worth if. Too much work. The screw holes were off, the wheels for the are awful to put together. Its looks great, but is terrible to assemble.
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