Horrible assembly. The drawers were not lined up like they should have been. The only way to get the center piece of the drawer in was to create a new hole for them to meet. I honestly would not purchase again. It most definitely was not worth 129.00 I would have not even given 40. I would NOT recommend this product to anyone.
Great looking accent table. Color matched photos. Instructions were OK not great. Ive assembled quite a lot of furniture so it was still pretty easy to assemble not a little slower.
This table is pretty sturdy and arrived looking great. Only thing is, I found it easier to assemble differently than how the instructions described. That being said, it was pretty easy for me to put together by myself.
Cute but flimsy. It fits really well but is not very sturdy. Also when you open the drawer it starts to come apart. We have to keep pushing it together. All in all its okay, worth more like 60 bucks than the 90 that we paid.
Great product for entryway. Sturdy enough for some decor items to be placed on top. Thin drawer good for small things like pens, notepads, even dog leashes and treats. Super easy to assemble.
Drawer could be better!!
The drawer is a little shaky but other then that I like it for my space !!
Cuts not flush
Horrible assembly. The drawers were not lined up like they should have been. The only way to get the center piece of the drawer in was to create a new hole for them to meet. I honestly would not purchase again. It most definitely was not worth 129.00 I would have not even given 40. I would NOT recommend this product to anyone.
Color match
Great looking accent table. Color matched photos. Instructions were OK not great. Ive assembled quite a lot of furniture so it was still pretty easy to assemble not a little slower.
Nice addition to my apartment.
This table fits beautifully in my foyer. It adds a warm and welcoming feel soon as you walk in. Very sturdy and was some what easy to put together.
Great for the cost
This table is pretty sturdy and arrived looking great. Only thing is, I found it easier to assemble differently than how the instructions described. That being said, it was pretty easy for me to put together by myself.
Loved the color, height and sturdiness. Fits perfectly in my hallway!
Cute but not sturdy
Cute but flimsy. It fits really well but is not very sturdy. Also when you open the drawer it starts to come apart. We have to keep pushing it together. All in all its okay, worth more like 60 bucks than the 90 that we paid.
loved the color
instructions for drawer slides need to be clearer
Nice looking piece
Kinda hard to assemble but once I figured it out it went together nicely. Looks great in my entryway
Perfect entryway table
Great product for entryway. Sturdy enough for some decor items to be placed on top. Thin drawer good for small things like pens, notepads, even dog leashes and treats. Super easy to assemble.
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