This is a little set of furniture be sure to
Note the measurements. It works perfectly for us. We like it. We had some problems with shipping bc its not clear that it comes in 3 different boxes. When trying to get the last piece the seller tries hard but there is a slight bit of communication as they are in China. I suggest the seller tries to understand the time difference during communication as well. It took a whole month to get the last piece and to understand each other. BUT its good and like I said, the seller does want to please.
I had high hopes for this as the pics I saw online looked great and the price was right where I wanted to be. The set itself is really nice, very sturdy and Im sure it will last years. The cushions, however, are pretty low-end. Ive had the set for a month and the cushions are already flat where people (and dogs) have sat. Additionally, I expected the cushions to be waterproof but several of mine soak up water like a sponge and I have to tip they on the side where the zipper is to drain them. I didnt expect the same quality as I would had I paid $1k+ so Im not too disappointed. The set is very pretty and looks great on my patio, Ill just have to find and invest in new cushions when I can.
my only issue is the cushions slide around. I had to buy velcro and attach to get them to stay in place. Otherwise I love this set for the price. The frame is great and if the cushions do wear out theyre easy to replace or restuff.
Sellar should advertise it comes in 3 separate boxes comfortable and stylish and seller should place letters on peicies once I understood it was very easy havent took plastic off yet
Amazing set, great price but the most amazing was customer service (one of packages were missing). They were so helpful! Thanks, I really enjoy everything about the order.
Nice little set once received
This is a little set of furniture be sure to Note the measurements. It works perfectly for us. We like it. We had some problems with shipping bc its not clear that it comes in 3 different boxes. When trying to get the last piece the seller tries hard but there is a slight bit of communication as they are in China. I suggest the seller tries to understand the time difference during communication as well. It took a whole month to get the last piece and to understand each other. BUT its good and like I said, the seller does want to please.
Decent set for the price.
I had high hopes for this as the pics I saw online looked great and the price was right where I wanted to be. The set itself is really nice, very sturdy and Im sure it will last years. The cushions, however, are pretty low-end. Ive had the set for a month and the cushions are already flat where people (and dogs) have sat. Additionally, I expected the cushions to be waterproof but several of mine soak up water like a sponge and I have to tip they on the side where the zipper is to drain them. I didnt expect the same quality as I would had I paid $1k+ so Im not too disappointed. The set is very pretty and looks great on my patio, Ill just have to find and invest in new cushions when I can.
Perfect for the area
Love it! We found a bit for the electric screwdriver and we had it assembled very quickly!
Easy to put together Nice looking set
Love my new set. Definitely recommend this patio set. Easy to install directions
Great set for a small space
This was their perfect piece for my balcony. Its great for small pieces. The assembly was not easy the pieces weee not properly labeled.
Somewhat easy to put together.
Quality is good. Have to see how it weathers during the summer months and rainstorms.
my summer home
my only issue is the cushions slide around. I had to buy velcro and attach to get them to stay in place. Otherwise I love this set for the price. The frame is great and if the cushions do wear out theyre easy to replace or restuff.
Love it!
Very nice patio set
Great buy
Sellar should advertise it comes in 3 separate boxes comfortable and stylish and seller should place letters on peicies once I understood it was very easy havent took plastic off yet
Great and amazing
Amazing set, great price but the most amazing was customer service (one of packages were missing). They were so helpful! Thanks, I really enjoy everything about the order.
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