my daughter loves this bed. it is so sturdy no squeaking like most metal frames. Assembly was pretty simple with good directions. I defiantly recommend for price!
I was extremely intimidated by all the pieces when I opened the box, but once I sat down with the instructions and just took it one page/step at a time, it came together really easily. I did it myself, I did not need two people. Probably took me about 2 hours. Just use a short stool or chair to brace one end while you attach the other.
This bed was too large for the space, but I will not hold that against them, I should have measured before buying. However this bed took HOURS to put together- it comes in at least 100 pieces and was just a hassle that took my husband several days to complete. We put together a lot of furniture lately because we just bought a house, this by far was the most extra and most annoying to do.
Overall a value for money purchase but only for a limited use. I wouldn't suggested it for every day or heavy duty use. It's frame is rather delicate. I bought it as a temporary solution (due to a move, furniture took longer to reach my new house) and later on to be used as a guest daybed.
This bed is so squeaky!!! Missed my widow to return because I didn't assemble right away. Big mistake... you cannot move at all without it making horrible noises. I don't even want to know what 2 people in this thing would sound like!!! No "fun timesin this bed... if you need a "black out drunkbed this might be for you... DONT DO IT... WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME
Great for price
my daughter loves this bed. it is so sturdy no squeaking like most metal frames. Assembly was pretty simple with good directions. I defiantly recommend for price!
Don't be intimidated by all the pieces!
I was extremely intimidated by all the pieces when I opened the box, but once I sat down with the instructions and just took it one page/step at a time, it came together really easily. I did it myself, I did not need two people. Probably took me about 2 hours. Just use a short stool or chair to brace one end while you attach the other.
A million pieces
This bed was too large for the space, but I will not hold that against them, I should have measured before buying. However this bed took HOURS to put together- it comes in at least 100 pieces and was just a hassle that took my husband several days to complete. We put together a lot of furniture lately because we just bought a house, this by far was the most extra and most annoying to do.
I like the look but unhappy with the make of the trundle.
There isnt a lip or edge to keep the mattress on the trundle from falling off.
It does what it should and it's larger than most beds.
My daughter and I love the bed. It is sturdy and does what it should. For the price, you can't beat it.
Value for money
Overall a value for money purchase but only for a limited use. I wouldn't suggested it for every day or heavy duty use. It's frame is rather delicate. I bought it as a temporary solution (due to a move, furniture took longer to reach my new house) and later on to be used as a guest daybed.
This bed is so squeaky!!! Missed my widow to return because I didn't assemble right away. Big mistake... you cannot move at all without it making horrible noises. I don't even want to know what 2 people in this thing would sound like!!! No "fun timesin this bed... if you need a "black out drunkbed this might be for you... DONT DO IT... WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME
It is strong, sleek looking and a Real Space Saver!
To have 2 extra beds when our grandsons come over and only take the space of 1 Twin Bed.
Quality product/easy to assemble
Good quality for the price.
Perfect choice for this small guest bedroom
I'm really happy with the look of this trundle bed.
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