This daybed far exceeded my expectations. It's sturdy and looks great when set up. It will easily sleep 4 little ones comfortably. And at a great price!
THIS ONE, is very sturdy. Every step putting it together was clear, easy and only served to make the bed appear more sturdy. I am confident this will hold up to our heavier family just fine.
Pretty easy to assemble. Lots of small pieces but directions were thorough. We bought this as a bed for my father and he loved it. Very comfortable and fit perfectly in our guest bedroom!
I don't like assembling stuff but this bed is all worth it. I had a body ache the next day but when I saw the finished product it is all worth it. It is so easy to put things together but maybe because the materials are quite heavy that made it a little challenging. This is my first time to put a thing like this. I'm so happy with the product. It is really sturdy.
Very sturdy. No squeaking like a lot of metal frame beds. Pretty simple to put together. It was just me, so it took a little over an hour, but it was doable. Trundle fits a regular twin mattress perfectly. Happy with this purchase!
After waiting a week they shipped the hardware, so we were able to FINALLY put the bed together. Assembly wasnt too hard. No issues. Looks good. My daughter seems to love it so far. Hoping itll last us a few years.
I just opened the box ( which was damaged and all taped up on one corner). The parts look okay but there is no hardware at all. I am extremely upset sitting on hold for over 30 min to speak with customer service number that was provided with the instructions
If and when I get the hardware I will see how it all comes together. In the mean time my daughter has to sleep on the couch.
I believe its going to be a great bed! I love the extra support pieces! Time consuming but worth it! Hope thoughts of sleep over fun for her in the future! Thank you!
I got the queen size for my studio apartment. I love it. The box it came it was huge and heavy and I was really Intimidated by all the pieces but it was actually really easy to assemble. I havent put together the trundle because I dont need it. Only complaint I have is that it is a bit noisy.
Perfect for Grandkids Sleepover
This daybed far exceeded my expectations. It's sturdy and looks great when set up. It will easily sleep 4 little ones comfortably. And at a great price!
I'm impressed.
THIS ONE, is very sturdy. Every step putting it together was clear, easy and only served to make the bed appear more sturdy. I am confident this will hold up to our heavier family just fine.
Looks great, and fits great!
The bed works well in the small bedroom that the grandkids sleep in when they visit. And having the trundle bed stored for easy access is wonderful.
Vary sturdy and well built.
It took awhile to assemble but overall parts were well packaged and marked.
Spare bes
Pretty easy to assemble. Lots of small pieces but directions were thorough. We bought this as a bed for my father and he loved it. Very comfortable and fit perfectly in our guest bedroom!
Easy to assemble and worth it
I don't like assembling stuff but this bed is all worth it. I had a body ache the next day but when I saw the finished product it is all worth it. It is so easy to put things together but maybe because the materials are quite heavy that made it a little challenging. This is my first time to put a thing like this. I'm so happy with the product. It is really sturdy.
Highly recommend!
Very sturdy. No squeaking like a lot of metal frame beds. Pretty simple to put together. It was just me, so it took a little over an hour, but it was doable. Trundle fits a regular twin mattress perfectly. Happy with this purchase!
Update:No hardware shipped with bed
Update: After waiting a week they shipped the hardware, so we were able to FINALLY put the bed together. Assembly wasnt too hard. No issues. Looks good. My daughter seems to love it so far. Hoping itll last us a few years. I just opened the box ( which was damaged and all taped up on one corner). The parts look okay but there is no hardware at all. I am extremely upset sitting on hold for over 30 min to speak with customer service number that was provided with the instructions If and when I get the hardware I will see how it all comes together. In the mean time my daughter has to sleep on the couch.
Sleep over fun
I believe its going to be a great bed! I love the extra support pieces! Time consuming but worth it! Hope thoughts of sleep over fun for her in the future! Thank you!
Nice daybed! Orders queen size
I got the queen size for my studio apartment. I love it. The box it came it was huge and heavy and I was really Intimidated by all the pieces but it was actually really easy to assemble. I havent put together the trundle because I dont need it. Only complaint I have is that it is a bit noisy.
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