Well made. Easy to assemble. It will last when my almost 3 year old grandson rocks to the moon! He'll be able to pass it to his kids. He's going to love it!!!
My son absolutely loves this rocker! Assembly was not too difficult either. It’s easy to assemble and very well made! Purchased a cute little pink chair pad that complimented the chair nicely!
Very sturdy chair easy to assemble perfect for toddlers. There is some assembly required. But my son loves his rocking chair! Glad we made this purchase!
Assembly was easy although some of the letters on the different pieces did not match those shown in the directions. Easy to assemble, took maybe 30 minutes. Directions were clear and easy to understand. Super cute, can’t wait to give this as a birthday gift for a 2 year old.
Well made. It will last when they rock to the moon!
Well made. Easy to assemble. It will last when my almost 3 year old grandson rocks to the moon! He'll be able to pass it to his kids. He's going to love it!!!
The little chair is working very well for us. We have it on our little porch with pots of flowers and a watering can. So cute!!!
My son loves this!
My son absolutely loves this rocker! Assembly was not too difficult either. It’s easy to assemble and very well made! Purchased a cute little pink chair pad that complimented the chair nicely!
Cute Little Rocker
Very sturdy chair easy to assemble perfect for toddlers. There is some assembly required. But my son loves his rocking chair! Glad we made this purchase!
Great Addition
Assembly was easy although some of the letters on the different pieces did not match those shown in the directions. Easy to assemble, took maybe 30 minutes. Directions were clear and easy to understand. Super cute, can’t wait to give this as a birthday gift for a 2 year old.
Cheaply made
Chair was already broken on arrival. It was cheaply made.
Fell apart quickly with no wear!
Bummed this fell apart so quickly. It looks super cute!
Super cute rocking chair, my toddler loves to sit in it and rock her babies.
Super easy to put together and really cute look.
A really good size for a 2-4 year old. Super easy to put together and really cute. Defintely happy with the purchase!
Beautiful rocker
Nicer than expected, beautiful wood. It looks good: sturdy, nice looking wood. It was easy to assemble and only took about 20 minutes.
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