I love this very sturdy. But when we opened the box started putting it together we noticed a dent and a chip out of it. But we still put it together it is in the back so yoy cant see it. And it was a little difficult to put together because nothing was labeled but the back part.
I received this and put it together yesterday. It was very easy to put together and the instructions were clear. The only thing with it is, you get what you pay for. The wood is pretty cheap and chipped while I was putting it together and I was super careful and gentle. A couple of the chips were there when I took it out of the box.
Fortunately, it is hidden by the cushion on top or is chipped in the back where you cant see it. It looks really nice once it is all put together and is in our hallway by our front door. Great for now, but now sure how long it will last or what will happen if it is bumped by someone or the vacuum. I will be getting cube compartments to go in the cubbies. Overall, happy with it.
It looks good and I get a lot of compliments. I do have a complaint about appearance. When I received it the corners were scraped and scratched. Because of the size I didnt feel it was worth the hassle to send back but it does bother me when I see those scratches.
I was looking for something small but not too small and very roomy, this was it! I have a really small space and I use the bottom to store my pants and it fits so nicely and neatly, better than I imagined! It also holds a good amount of weight, I was able to get me and my friend on there, the cushion is also very comfortable.
The shoe bench was very easy to assemble. It is quite sturdy and the latches that holds the door seems durable. It is easy to open and close the doors. I like this shoe bench as it comes with the door, it hides the shoes. Most of the shoe benches in this price range does not have doors which makes the space looks shabby. Hence, I liked this one more. It is a must buy for someone who needs a compact shoe bench to store routine footwear. My shoe size is 6 and they fit perfectly well, but someone with larger shoe size must check the size before buying. Looks beautiful and matches well with our decor.
My wife and I bought this item to store frequently worn shoes in our entry hallway. We can also comfortably sit on the bench to remove or put on shoes. The capacity worked out to a total of 4 pairs of shoes { one pair / shelf }. Mid or high top shoes / sneakers did not work out well ( the doors could not close ).
The item looks good and it was not difficult to assemble. I would recommend this purchase.
FYI - for seating purposes, those individuals with large backsides may be challenged { based on the narrow footprint of the pad on top of the bench .. ! We had no issues !
Lower quality than expected
Presswood arrived with multiple chips
Very sturdy.
I love this very sturdy. But when we opened the box started putting it together we noticed a dent and a chip out of it. But we still put it together it is in the back so yoy cant see it. And it was a little difficult to put together because nothing was labeled but the back part.
Really cute!
I received this and put it together yesterday. It was very easy to put together and the instructions were clear. The only thing with it is, you get what you pay for. The wood is pretty cheap and chipped while I was putting it together and I was super careful and gentle. A couple of the chips were there when I took it out of the box. Fortunately, it is hidden by the cushion on top or is chipped in the back where you cant see it. It looks really nice once it is all put together and is in our hallway by our front door. Great for now, but now sure how long it will last or what will happen if it is bumped by someone or the vacuum. I will be getting cube compartments to go in the cubbies. Overall, happy with it.
Looks good but arrived damaged.
It looks good and I get a lot of compliments. I do have a complaint about appearance. When I received it the corners were scraped and scratched. Because of the size I didnt feel it was worth the hassle to send back but it does bother me when I see those scratches.
Pretty awesome
I was looking for something small but not too small and very roomy, this was it! I have a really small space and I use the bottom to store my pants and it fits so nicely and neatly, better than I imagined! It also holds a good amount of weight, I was able to get me and my friend on there, the cushion is also very comfortable.
A good piece for the price
Perfect for baby toys
Sturdy, compact and decent looking shoe bench
The shoe bench was very easy to assemble. It is quite sturdy and the latches that holds the door seems durable. It is easy to open and close the doors. I like this shoe bench as it comes with the door, it hides the shoes. Most of the shoe benches in this price range does not have doors which makes the space looks shabby. Hence, I liked this one more. It is a must buy for someone who needs a compact shoe bench to store routine footwear. My shoe size is 6 and they fit perfectly well, but someone with larger shoe size must check the size before buying. Looks beautiful and matches well with our decor.
Does the job
Wasnt too difficult to assemble, easy for sitting down to take off work boots by the front door
Fits in the space
Smaller than I thought. It is nice. Im concerned about the longevity but we shall see
Met or Exceeded Our Expectations !
My wife and I bought this item to store frequently worn shoes in our entry hallway. We can also comfortably sit on the bench to remove or put on shoes. The capacity worked out to a total of 4 pairs of shoes { one pair / shelf }. Mid or high top shoes / sneakers did not work out well ( the doors could not close ). The item looks good and it was not difficult to assemble. I would recommend this purchase. FYI - for seating purposes, those individuals with large backsides may be challenged { based on the narrow footprint of the pad on top of the bench .. ! We had no issues !
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