I was very excited for this unit. It was pretty easy to assemble but make sure you check ALL parts for damage before starting to assemble. My husband found the back was cracked but he had already glued part of it together. After its assembled though, you cant tell and it doesnt affect the integrity of the unit which is good. Color is pretty much spot on with the pictures which I love.
Easy to assemble, but junk, made in China. it sure isnt worth 200 could have bought something from a local furniture store for a little more money and quality shelfs inside are not the size of the space top of cabinet doesnt sit right on top and we spent a while trying to get it just right doors are smaller than the space for the door
This product is EXACTLY what I needed. I live in a condo 1,000 square feet in Ga. where the weather is starting to cool down, and there is nothing better than a fireplace to sit in front of. The fact that I dont have to do any work, and it still looks lifelike is cry! I havent even mentioned that it emits heat. A good bit of heat too! The color is beautiful, exactly how its advertised.
As far as assembly is concerned, I a young female tried to put together by myself. It took me several hours, and I put it together backwards all cry. I had someone help me with tools, and it went so smoothly. If you have assembled anything before I have faith you can do it. If not, def pay for assembly
This is very well made and very sturdy. It was quite the process to put together. I feel very confident that it will hold up well as the installation was so well put together. The shelves are roomy. The fireplace is very cute and cozy. I love that I can just turn on the light to the fireplace or the heater separately. It does kick some serious heat. My only complaint is there is no heat or fan setting on the heater, that would have been handy. Other than that, this is a gorgeous piece that I get compliments on frequently.
I just put this together last night, aside from a couple missteps from not paying attention to instructions, it went well. I love how it looks and that the cupboards hide some clutter (video games, extra cords, etc.) so my living room looks neater. One of the cupboard doors is a little wonky / isnt even at the bottom so you have to lift it slightly to close it completely / my husband said he can fix it. Overall, quality product, looks very good and is worth the money.
I absolutely love my new fireplace! My boyfriend spent 3 hours assembling it (while I helped a little bit lol). It really does emit a lot of great heat and the fire looks very realistic. It has transformed my bedroom. We did not use power tools, still turned out fine. Youll love it!!
Good quality but check all parts before assembling
I was very excited for this unit. It was pretty easy to assemble but make sure you check ALL parts for damage before starting to assemble. My husband found the back was cracked but he had already glued part of it together. After its assembled though, you cant tell and it doesnt affect the integrity of the unit which is good. Color is pretty much spot on with the pictures which I love.
If I knew what I know now I wouldnt have bought this!
Easy to assemble, but junk, made in China. it sure isnt worth 200 could have bought something from a local furniture store for a little more money and quality shelfs inside are not the size of the space top of cabinet doesnt sit right on top and we spent a while trying to get it just right doors are smaller than the space for the door
Lifelike Fireplace!
This product is EXACTLY what I needed. I live in a condo 1,000 square feet in Ga. where the weather is starting to cool down, and there is nothing better than a fireplace to sit in front of. The fact that I dont have to do any work, and it still looks lifelike is cry! I havent even mentioned that it emits heat. A good bit of heat too! The color is beautiful, exactly how its advertised. As far as assembly is concerned, I a young female tried to put together by myself. It took me several hours, and I put it together backwards all cry. I had someone help me with tools, and it went so smoothly. If you have assembled anything before I have faith you can do it. If not, def pay for assembly
Very sturdy gorgeous piece
This is very well made and very sturdy. It was quite the process to put together. I feel very confident that it will hold up well as the installation was so well put together. The shelves are roomy. The fireplace is very cute and cozy. I love that I can just turn on the light to the fireplace or the heater separately. It does kick some serious heat. My only complaint is there is no heat or fan setting on the heater, that would have been handy. Other than that, this is a gorgeous piece that I get compliments on frequently.
Beautiful but hard to put together
Beautiful a pain to put together
Looks great but its the usual cheap Chinese particle board materials
This is well designed and looks great, however dont expect it to last many moves. Overall it was well worth the 150+tax I paid for this.
Very sturdy, looks great with my farmhouse interior design.
It looks very nice, you would think it was a custom wood piece
I just put this together last night, aside from a couple missteps from not paying attention to instructions, it went well. I love how it looks and that the cupboards hide some clutter (video games, extra cords, etc.) so my living room looks neater. One of the cupboard doors is a little wonky / isnt even at the bottom so you have to lift it slightly to close it completely / my husband said he can fix it. Overall, quality product, looks very good and is worth the money.
In Love!! ?
I absolutely love my new fireplace! My boyfriend spent 3 hours assembling it (while I helped a little bit lol). It really does emit a lot of great heat and the fire looks very realistic. It has transformed my bedroom. We did not use power tools, still turned out fine. Youll love it!!
Product defects
Product had scuffs and damage. Purchased October 2020.
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