This tv stand is aming! Its very sturdy, stylish, and durable. It fits my 75 tv. It took a few hours to put it together. I would highly recommend this purchase.
The assembly is easy just take your time all parts fit. Disappointed on one side the screw came out so we had to find some L brackets to hold together. Doors are not a solid piece of furniture.
Color matched perfect with my shelf, I was worried about that. My TV fit perfect on it! Seems to be very sturdy and not to heavy. Took longer than I thought it would take to put together, about 2.5 hours. Over all I love it but was disappointed that I received it with a crack on the back. I would have returned it but I couldnt wait to send it back and get a new one. We had just bought a new TV and needed to get it out of the box and hooked up to make sure it worked. Couldnt leave an expensive TV just chilling on the floor with a toddler running around. But Id say other than that I love the entertainment center.
This arrived in a large heavy box. The package was solid and even had wood at the ends of the box to protect it. I assembled it in about an hour and a half. Very pleased with the tv stand.
Great looking stand for the money. Looks high end and is very sturdy for not being wood. It took us about 2 1/2 hrs to put together but we took our time and followed directions step by step. No issues. Very satisfied
Pain in the butt assembly
Although a very attractive piece of furniture, it was a nightmare to assemble.
Sturdy, durable, excellent tv stand!
This tv stand is aming! Its very sturdy, stylish, and durable. It fits my 75 tv. It took a few hours to put it together. I would highly recommend this purchase.
Could be better quality!
The assembly is easy just take your time all parts fit. Disappointed on one side the screw came out so we had to find some L brackets to hold together. Doors are not a solid piece of furniture.
Really pleased!
Very sturdy and looks great
Check your pieces make sure they arent broken
Color matched perfect with my shelf, I was worried about that. My TV fit perfect on it! Seems to be very sturdy and not to heavy. Took longer than I thought it would take to put together, about 2.5 hours. Over all I love it but was disappointed that I received it with a crack on the back. I would have returned it but I couldnt wait to send it back and get a new one. We had just bought a new TV and needed to get it out of the box and hooked up to make sure it worked. Couldnt leave an expensive TV just chilling on the floor with a toddler running around. But Id say other than that I love the entertainment center.
Easy peie
Love it works great
Very good buy.
This arrived in a large heavy box. The package was solid and even had wood at the ends of the box to protect it. I assembled it in about an hour and a half. Very pleased with the tv stand.
It looks great, but now super high quality.
Not easy to assemble.
Great stand for the money!
Great looking stand for the money. Looks high end and is very sturdy for not being wood. It took us about 2 1/2 hrs to put together but we took our time and followed directions step by step. No issues. Very satisfied
Get this five stars
It was very easy to put it together and we really like it a lot I would recommend it for whoever wants to purchase this item.
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