Perfect table for my den. I needed something for a cozy den and this table is perfect. Its not too big. Not too small. Its made sturdy and its such a beautiful table! Great value for the money
This exceeded my expectations. I bought it for temporary use but am no longer looking for another one. The corners are sharp if you have little ones but they love to climb underneath. Its very sturdy and beautiful.
so easy to assemble did not take longer then 7 min. Looks soooo much better in person. i mean i was scared to order at first because only for 100! but very much worth every penny fits perfect in my apartment not to tall or not too short.
I like the table design in terms of modern look . It has a sturdy design and can withstand objects which are heavy. I did not like the lower part as it does not give much space between floor and the feet. It might cause injury in the feet because for some folks because if this. I am giving less rating because of this issue. Everything looks good other than this issue.
Its exactly as shown! The wood is beautiful, its easy to assemble it took me 20min. I would have like if it was a little taller, but no big deal. Great buy for the cost!
Beautiful functional
Fits beautifully into our cabin in the woods. Only adjustment I would suggest is raising the height of the lower grateit would help save bruised toes.
Great quality table
Table is light and sturdy! It was very easy to put together too!
Great table
Perfect table for my den. I needed something for a cozy den and this table is perfect. Its not too big. Not too small. Its made sturdy and its such a beautiful table! Great value for the money
Really decent, happy
Easy to put together, sturdy, nice colour, love the shelf, easy to clean, good size.
Stylish and practical
This exceeded my expectations. I bought it for temporary use but am no longer looking for another one. The corners are sharp if you have little ones but they love to climb underneath. Its very sturdy and beautiful.
so easy to assemble did not take longer then 7 min. Looks soooo much better in person. i mean i was scared to order at first because only for 100! but very much worth every penny fits perfect in my apartment not to tall or not too short.
Aming Coffee Table for Price
This was easy to assemble, and for 100 SO sturdy! I am so impressed.
Sturdy table with modern design
I like the table design in terms of modern look . It has a sturdy design and can withstand objects which are heavy. I did not like the lower part as it does not give much space between floor and the feet. It might cause injury in the feet because for some folks because if this. I am giving less rating because of this issue. Everything looks good other than this issue.
Its exactly as shown! The wood is beautiful, its easy to assemble it took me 20min. I would have like if it was a little taller, but no big deal. Great buy for the cost!
Im tired of tightening screws every other week.
It its a decent table for the cost, but the screws keep coming loose and need to be retightened about once every other week.
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