No problem assembling with two adults. Instructions are clear and nuts and bolts are labeled and numbered, so there is no confusion as to where to use each piece, which is nice. The package arrived in poor condition but the product inside was fine. Overall pretty sturdy and well designed.
Ten year old daughter LOVES this bed, not as sturdy as I would like as it does creak a little. But, it is very pretty and comments her bedroom well. It does smell for a couple days but the smell goes away after being aired out. LOTS of room under the bed itself.
My 11 tall old daughter loves the bed and having a spot of her own to do her homework! I put it together myself but my husband did have to help me carry it the box is extremely heavy!
We bought two of these for our young teen daughters. I am very happy with our purchase. My husband and I put both together in just a few hours. I was comfortable being up on the top and moved around a bit. They are sturdy. The side rail doesnt come up a ton over the mattress, but that is ok because our girls are older. I would be a bit hesitant to put our 5 year old up there without a taller rail, just in case. Overall, I am very happy with these.
Made very nice and so far seems very sturdy. My son loves it. The ladder seems a tad steep and the steps are slippery when wearing socks. We may look for grips to put on them.
Pieces came damaged from shipping and it took over a week and a half to get replacement parts from the company, so if the bed is needed ASAP, I wouldnt risk it.
Assembly was pretty easy and took just over an hour. The hardest parts were the first few steps to get the actual bed up and standing.
When assembled, bed still has a wobbly feel even with all bolts fully tightened. I went back over the whole bed twice tightening the bolts. However, given the price of the product, I think that the level of sturdiness is appropriate for what you pay for it.
The ladder rungs are really rough on little feet. I had to spend an extra 50 to order specially made covers to provide some padding.
Easy to assemble and the bed is sturdy. I added a 1/2 sheet of plywood on top of the wooden planks used to support the mattress. With that we could use a foam mattress instead of a box spring.
My young teen daughter LOVES this bed! Fits her regular twin mattress. Seems sturdy, however my daughter is slim and petite. Shelves came with some minor damage, but fortunately doesnt show. Only option to replace was to send the entire bed back, and that was def not going to happen, so were just dealing with it. Not quite as tall as a regular loft, which leaves more headspace.
This is a very nice loft bed. It was easy to assemble but needs two people. The wood is good and have no concerns of it falling apart or collapsing. I was looking for something that would hold an adult and child. This was it with a 400 lb limit. It eases my mind that it wont come crashing down if we climbed up with our kid. It does shake a little when you move while on it but is expected with a loft bed as its not anchored to the wall nor does it need to be. The shelves are nice and provides added storage. You can put the shelves and ladder on either side but you have to decide that when youre building it. We have the ladder on the left and the shelves on the right. You can put the ladder and shelves on the same side if you wanted it that way. We initially bought a twin mattress that was too thick. We ended up returning and getting an 8 mattress. I would not recommend anything more than 8. Overall, we are happy with the purchase.
Needs two adults to assemble
No problem assembling with two adults. Instructions are clear and nuts and bolts are labeled and numbered, so there is no confusion as to where to use each piece, which is nice. The package arrived in poor condition but the product inside was fine. Overall pretty sturdy and well designed.
Exactly as pictured!
Ten year old daughter LOVES this bed, not as sturdy as I would like as it does creak a little. But, it is very pretty and comments her bedroom well. It does smell for a couple days but the smell goes away after being aired out. LOTS of room under the bed itself.
Durable and decent for price
Dream bed for my daughter shes had it for 2 years and still loves it.
My 11 tall old daughter loves the bed and having a spot of her own to do her homework! I put it together myself but my husband did have to help me carry it the box is extremely heavy!
So far so good!
We bought two of these for our young teen daughters. I am very happy with our purchase. My husband and I put both together in just a few hours. I was comfortable being up on the top and moved around a bit. They are sturdy. The side rail doesnt come up a ton over the mattress, but that is ok because our girls are older. I would be a bit hesitant to put our 5 year old up there without a taller rail, just in case. Overall, I am very happy with these.
Slippery steps
Made very nice and so far seems very sturdy. My son loves it. The ladder seems a tad steep and the steps are slippery when wearing socks. We may look for grips to put on them.
Value on point for price but I recommend buying something else
Pieces came damaged from shipping and it took over a week and a half to get replacement parts from the company, so if the bed is needed ASAP, I wouldnt risk it. Assembly was pretty easy and took just over an hour. The hardest parts were the first few steps to get the actual bed up and standing. When assembled, bed still has a wobbly feel even with all bolts fully tightened. I went back over the whole bed twice tightening the bolts. However, given the price of the product, I think that the level of sturdiness is appropriate for what you pay for it. The ladder rungs are really rough on little feet. I had to spend an extra 50 to order specially made covers to provide some padding.
Kids love the loft bed!
Easy to assemble and the bed is sturdy. I added a 1/2 sheet of plywood on top of the wooden planks used to support the mattress. With that we could use a foam mattress instead of a box spring.
SO cute!
My young teen daughter LOVES this bed! Fits her regular twin mattress. Seems sturdy, however my daughter is slim and petite. Shelves came with some minor damage, but fortunately doesnt show. Only option to replace was to send the entire bed back, and that was def not going to happen, so were just dealing with it. Not quite as tall as a regular loft, which leaves more headspace.
Holds the weight!
This is a very nice loft bed. It was easy to assemble but needs two people. The wood is good and have no concerns of it falling apart or collapsing. I was looking for something that would hold an adult and child. This was it with a 400 lb limit. It eases my mind that it wont come crashing down if we climbed up with our kid. It does shake a little when you move while on it but is expected with a loft bed as its not anchored to the wall nor does it need to be. The shelves are nice and provides added storage. You can put the shelves and ladder on either side but you have to decide that when youre building it. We have the ladder on the left and the shelves on the right. You can put the ladder and shelves on the same side if you wanted it that way. We initially bought a twin mattress that was too thick. We ended up returning and getting an 8 mattress. I would not recommend anything more than 8. Overall, we are happy with the purchase.
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