Very happy with this bed so far! It was very easy to assemble. It took about 3 hours total, including unpacking and clean-up. The desk is sturdy and solid, and the bed itself is good quality and doesnt creak, shake, or wobble. You get a lot of value with this purchase!
Good quality, easy assemble if you take time and lay everything out. I followed the instructions step by time was up in less than an hour. Stairs were a little slippery I recommend adding traction stickers. Assembled bed felt very sturdy but still attached to wall for safety. Desk area is nice for hanging out and setting up small cpu system.
Purchased for my teenage son. His room is the smallest so we purchased this to open more floor area. It was easy to assemble he climbs up and down no issues and it holds him perfectly fine. He is a high school student. The desk holds his TV and Xbox his game chair fits under the bed perfectly as well
This was very very easy to assemble, the bed is sturdy Im 170 and was able to climb to the top and chill, no dents no shaking. Definitely worth the money! Oh yea I literally put it together in about 2 hours. Such an easy project
We bought this bed for our great granddaughter and she loves it but, the instructions for assembly was very disappointing because all the instructions provided were pictures of the parts to be assembled. No written instruction provided whatsoever, only pictures of the parts and the bolts, screws, etc. So for us, assembly took a lot longer than necessary.
For what we received Im a little disappointed. All items were not included in the box. Sadly this happens often with most orders that require being built. Its too big to send back. Not very sturdy. However it looks nice. I dont think it will last past a year or two.
Once together the bed was sturdy. We he directions are horrible and none of the hardware is labeled. There is a page of the instructions that has all of the hardware pictured but they arent actual size so trying to identify which bolts were which was difficult. There are also multiple places in the directions where a part number was left out or wrong. Other places where steps were skipped entirely. This took 3 hours to put together, would have been at least an hour less if the directions were clear and parts labeled.
My daughter loves it! She thinks it is fantastic and it is definitely something that she can grow into as well. We couldnt find a 6in mattress as recommended so we had to go with an 8in - there is still plenty of room and Im not worried she will flip off the side of the bed. I do wish it was steadier but Im just going to buy some wall stabilizers.
Sturdy, Stylish, and Functional!
Very happy with this bed so far! It was very easy to assemble. It took about 3 hours total, including unpacking and clean-up. The desk is sturdy and solid, and the bed itself is good quality and doesnt creak, shake, or wobble. You get a lot of value with this purchase!
Very nice bed
Good quality, easy assemble if you take time and lay everything out. I followed the instructions step by time was up in less than an hour. Stairs were a little slippery I recommend adding traction stickers. Assembled bed felt very sturdy but still attached to wall for safety. Desk area is nice for hanging out and setting up small cpu system.
Perfect for my teenager
Purchased for my teenage son. His room is the smallest so we purchased this to open more floor area. It was easy to assemble he climbs up and down no issues and it holds him perfectly fine. He is a high school student. The desk holds his TV and Xbox his game chair fits under the bed perfectly as well
Great product steel sturdy
went great in my sons room I like the feel and sturdiness clean look its about 4 feet from floor to bed so good to think about
Very easy
This was very very easy to assemble, the bed is sturdy Im 170 and was able to climb to the top and chill, no dents no shaking. Definitely worth the money! Oh yea I literally put it together in about 2 hours. Such an easy project
Bunkbed assembly.
We bought this bed for our great granddaughter and she loves it but, the instructions for assembly was very disappointing because all the instructions provided were pictures of the parts to be assembled. No written instruction provided whatsoever, only pictures of the parts and the bolts, screws, etc. So for us, assembly took a lot longer than necessary.
Nice but lacking
For what we received Im a little disappointed. All items were not included in the box. Sadly this happens often with most orders that require being built. Its too big to send back. Not very sturdy. However it looks nice. I dont think it will last past a year or two.
Sturdy but directions are bad
Once together the bed was sturdy. We he directions are horrible and none of the hardware is labeled. There is a page of the instructions that has all of the hardware pictured but they arent actual size so trying to identify which bolts were which was difficult. There are also multiple places in the directions where a part number was left out or wrong. Other places where steps were skipped entirely. This took 3 hours to put together, would have been at least an hour less if the directions were clear and parts labeled.
My daughter loves it!
My daughter loves it! She thinks it is fantastic and it is definitely something that she can grow into as well. We couldnt find a 6in mattress as recommended so we had to go with an 8in - there is still plenty of room and Im not worried she will flip off the side of the bed. I do wish it was steadier but Im just going to buy some wall stabilizers.
It is perfect
Its very sturdy and the bottom bunk can hold a lot of weight
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