We ordered the twin over twin bunk. Its so aesthetically pleasing and seems to be decently sturdy. It took about 7 hours to assemble (with the help of two kids). The instructions werent complicated, but not super easy to follow either.
Our BIG PROBLEM is the slide. Its way steep. Like scary steep. We are trying to think of the best way to help it not be so dangerous. I would just remove it, but my kids are excited to have a slide. But they dont like going down unless we are standing there.
The other issue is that the drawers beneath dont really have anything to attach to. They have wheels on the bottom, but they arent actually attached to the bed. So they go anywhere. Its annoying. I have a feeling I will just buy baskets or totes to slide under the bed.
All in all, we love the bed. Hate the slide, and not pleased with the storage drawers. Worth every penny.
CONS Broken wood, horrible packaging. Im going to ask for replacement parts. Ill give an update on their customer service.
PROS.The bed is cute and the perfect size for my 5 and 6 year old. however I would not recommend anyone buy this.
We have gotten SO many compliments on this bed! My son is 5 and has asked for a bunk bed for more than a year. We decided to finally get him one this one matches his current furniture so well! It was simple to assemble we didnt run into any issues when assembling. The bed looks great. It moves a little bit from side to side when my son (55 lbs) climbs on the top bunk but we have a very comfort based carpet so I feel like that may be the issue for the movement. Would definitely buy again! Do not buy it you will regret it
It is a great bed/ the slide is pretty steep but overall my daughter loves it. Overall an easy set up that took an hour or so. You wont be dissatisfied
Good bed, terrible slide.
We ordered the twin over twin bunk. Its so aesthetically pleasing and seems to be decently sturdy. It took about 7 hours to assemble (with the help of two kids). The instructions werent complicated, but not super easy to follow either. Our BIG PROBLEM is the slide. Its way steep. Like scary steep. We are trying to think of the best way to help it not be so dangerous. I would just remove it, but my kids are excited to have a slide. But they dont like going down unless we are standing there. The other issue is that the drawers beneath dont really have anything to attach to. They have wheels on the bottom, but they arent actually attached to the bed. So they go anywhere. Its annoying. I have a feeling I will just buy baskets or totes to slide under the bed. All in all, we love the bed. Hate the slide, and not pleased with the storage drawers. Worth every penny.
Quick assembly.
I would have gave them a 5 star but one of the bolts was unusable and they did not supply any extra so I have to find a replacement. Loving it so far!
Broken pieces!!!
CONS Broken wood, horrible packaging. Im going to ask for replacement parts. Ill give an update on their customer service. PROS.The bed is cute and the perfect size for my 5 and 6 year old. however I would not recommend anyone buy this.
Love this so much! Me likey!
Awesome thank you
Great buy! Kid loves it It looks fabulous.
The Frame is approximately 5 larger than the standard mattress. Looks great and works great!
My kiddos love it!
My kiddos love it! Its an okay buy
We are obsessed!
We have gotten SO many compliments on this bed! My son is 5 and has asked for a bunk bed for more than a year. We decided to finally get him one this one matches his current furniture so well! It was simple to assemble we didnt run into any issues when assembling. The bed looks great. It moves a little bit from side to side when my son (55 lbs) climbs on the top bunk but we have a very comfort based carpet so I feel like that may be the issue for the movement. Would definitely buy again! Do not buy it you will regret it
Great bed for kids
It is a great bed/ the slide is pretty steep but overall my daughter loves it. Overall an easy set up that took an hour or so. You wont be dissatisfied
Si You get what you pay for
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