They was not much communication about when this bed would come. I thought it would take too long and got worried. It came though about ten days after I ordered it. Im super happy with this bed. Its really pretty and sturdy. There is plenty of room underneath for storage but the bed is low enough that you dont have to leap into it. Great job! Perfect size and color for my needs.
I would have given this frame a 4 star for the assembly, but the shipper started putting it together, and the head portion was backwards (so the other pieces wouldnt fit.) Once I turned it around, it was pretty simple to assemble.
Once you tighten all pieces with the allen wrench, it is pretty sturdy. Good value for the money. I love it!!
I bought this for a cheap frame that Id replace in the future, but I dont think Ill be replacing it anytime soon. While it was a bit of a hassle getting it together, it wouldnt have been had I read the instructions better, I am still very pleased with the result. Would definitely buy again!
BUY IT !! I was really scared first buying the bed but man do I love it . I have had it for over a month now and I can say best money I spent in a while . yes I read the reviews and was really scared but it seems to be good so far very reasonably priced as well.
Very easy to assemble, sturdy for my 11 yr old, resembles that rococo vintage style, its a matt black color not gloss, we love it. Love, love, love it!
It is a beautiful bed frame, but the headboard is very short, small. Not the size of a regular headboard. We had one mattress on it snd with pillows you cant see much of the headboard. I sent it back for this reason and ordered a much taller one. Needs improvement in quality.
sturdy and beautiful
They was not much communication about when this bed would come. I thought it would take too long and got worried. It came though about ten days after I ordered it. Im super happy with this bed. Its really pretty and sturdy. There is plenty of room underneath for storage but the bed is low enough that you dont have to leap into it. Great job! Perfect size and color for my needs.
Nice bed frame for the price.
I would have given this frame a 4 star for the assembly, but the shipper started putting it together, and the head portion was backwards (so the other pieces wouldnt fit.) Once I turned it around, it was pretty simple to assemble. Once you tighten all pieces with the allen wrench, it is pretty sturdy. Good value for the money. I love it!!
A Good Frame For Price
I bought this for a cheap frame that Id replace in the future, but I dont think Ill be replacing it anytime soon. While it was a bit of a hassle getting it together, it wouldnt have been had I read the instructions better, I am still very pleased with the result. Would definitely buy again!
BUY IT !! I was really scared first buying the bed but man do I love it . I have had it for over a month now and I can say best money I spent in a while . yes I read the reviews and was really scared but it seems to be good so far very reasonably priced as well.
Great bed frame
What a great bed for the price. Its super sturdy, very nice Cute and comfortable
We love it!
Very easy to assemble, sturdy for my 11 yr old, resembles that rococo vintage style, its a matt black color not gloss, we love it. Love, love, love it!
Best Assembly Ever
Best and most organized assembly instructions ever! Very good value. Sturdy. it is very pretty.
Pretty but small
It is a beautiful bed frame, but the headboard is very short, small. Not the size of a regular headboard. We had one mattress on it snd with pillows you cant see much of the headboard. I sent it back for this reason and ordered a much taller one. Needs improvement in quality.
Nice bed frame
I recommend, I assembled myself following the instructions, sturdy and has a huge underneath storage space I was very excited to receive!
This bed is beautiful. I cant tell you a thing that is wrong with it. Very stylish and great quality!
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