My grandson loves this car. He got the hang of using it right away. Car sound and radio are great. I would recommend using grease on some of the parts.
It could have a tighter turning radius. I would recommend this product.
CHOOSE THIS SELLER!!! I bought two for my two year old twin daughters. They were birthday gifts. Assembled them, charged them connected their remotes but when we actually used them at their party one of the cars back wheels kept spinning in opposite directions making the car go in circles. Both my two year olds can fit in one car so it didnt ruin their fun. I contacted the seller explained the issue and then sent them a video. They sent me a new one DID NOT make me pay to ship it back, even though I seen a previous comment where someone paid 75 to ship it back so we were willing to do so rather than buying another one. The replacement works like a charm just remember not to over charge the batteries. Theyve used them 5 times since we bought them they love them. We even got SD card so they will play their favorite music. I normally get tired of playing with the car before the battery even dies.
Our favorite gift from Christmas! Hold a great charge I can walk around our neighborhood enclosure and it still has good battery life when we get home. I charge after every use. And she absolutely loves riding around in it! She loves the radio and having control of the channels. Definitely should purchase if youre considering!
Performs well
My grandson loves this car. He got the hang of using it right away. Car sound and radio are great. I would recommend using grease on some of the parts. It could have a tighter turning radius. I would recommend this product.
Alexandrias gift
Works great ! Great choice for reasonable price
Perfect , and really fast delivery thanks
Show stopper
Super cute! You get more than what you pay for!
Toddler Car
We got this for our two year old for Christmas. She loved it! She isnt old enough to figure it out yet so the remote control is perfect.
Great remote car for a 2 year old
turned out to be a great product!
My son loves it
The car came earlier than expected which is great! Bought this car for my Son 1st birthday on the 31st and its beautiful
CHOOSE THIS SELLER!!! I bought two for my two year old twin daughters. They were birthday gifts. Assembled them, charged them connected their remotes but when we actually used them at their party one of the cars back wheels kept spinning in opposite directions making the car go in circles. Both my two year olds can fit in one car so it didnt ruin their fun. I contacted the seller explained the issue and then sent them a video. They sent me a new one DID NOT make me pay to ship it back, even though I seen a previous comment where someone paid 75 to ship it back so we were willing to do so rather than buying another one. The replacement works like a charm just remember not to over charge the batteries. Theyve used them 5 times since we bought them they love them. We even got SD card so they will play their favorite music. I normally get tired of playing with the car before the battery even dies.
Best Christmas gift this year!
Our favorite gift from Christmas! Hold a great charge I can walk around our neighborhood enclosure and it still has good battery life when we get home. I charge after every use. And she absolutely loves riding around in it! She loves the radio and having control of the channels. Definitely should purchase if youre considering!
Aming car
It is aming car , my daughters like it , the car size excellent and good battery life
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