I bought this bed for my kids. It was a little time consuming to put together, but it is built like a tank. Heavy, sturdy, and my kids love it. This was a good value for my family and my wallet. Excellent value for what I paid
Came in a billion pieces and was very hard to assemble. The instructions (pictures) were extremely confusing and most of the pieces were not labeled making it even harder to assemble. Other than that the bed is as pictured and sturdy. Please with this purchase
A thousand pieces to assemble, but the end product is worth the effort. The box it came in was torn up badly in transit so I was concerned about some of the pieces being damaged and scratched, but surprisingly there was no damage to speak of. The folding mechanism for the bottom works great. I would recommend a 6 futon for the bottom, the 8 I got is a little unwieldy. What a surprise
It went together pretty easy. But it is a lot taller than I thought I cant see into the top bunk so pretty hard to make with out a ladder. it looks very nice.
Other than a couple bent poles its a pretty good bunk bed. If youre buying the futon 8 mattress though, be prepared of having the difficulty of putting the bed back to a futon. When I pulled the futon into a full size bed it was nice but putting it back is the hardest thing. The mattress is too thick in my opinion. However, it was the most bought futon with the bunk bed and I have no idea why. If I could Id return it, but that is way too much of a hassle in itself. So if youre buying this bunk bed definitely buy a mattress thats either 6 or 7 inches 8 is too thick no matter how good its ratings are. Oh and make sure to have a good tool that can unbend the poles that comes inside the box. not happy at all
The bunk is everything that we wanted. Went together easily. Directions state to not use power tools. We used a driver with a clutch set at 3 (out of 16) and speed up assembly by several hours. Good value to price ratio.
I enjoyed the product for the price, but it didnt come with instructions. Was able to easily find them online under s website, but still would have been less of a hassle had the instructions been included in the first place. Looks atmospheric
bed is very tall about 6 ft plus tall . i am about 510 and i am eye ball level with the upper bed bunk where the mattress sits.seems sturdy so far Gorgeous and Good Quality
This Bunkbed is a Tank!
I bought this bed for my kids. It was a little time consuming to put together, but it is built like a tank. Heavy, sturdy, and my kids love it. This was a good value for my family and my wallet. Excellent value for what I paid
Hard to assemble
Came in a billion pieces and was very hard to assemble. The instructions (pictures) were extremely confusing and most of the pieces were not labeled making it even harder to assemble. Other than that the bed is as pictured and sturdy. Please with this purchase
The folding mechanism for the bottom works great. I would recommend a 6 futon for the .
A thousand pieces to assemble, but the end product is worth the effort. The box it came in was torn up badly in transit so I was concerned about some of the pieces being damaged and scratched, but surprisingly there was no damage to speak of. The folding mechanism for the bottom works great. I would recommend a 6 futon for the bottom, the 8 I got is a little unwieldy. What a surprise
It went together pretty easy. But it is a lot taller than .
It went together pretty easy. But it is a lot taller than I thought I cant see into the top bunk so pretty hard to make with out a ladder. it looks very nice.
Other than a couple bent poles its a pretty good bunk bed
Other than a couple bent poles its a pretty good bunk bed. If youre buying the futon 8 mattress though, be prepared of having the difficulty of putting the bed back to a futon. When I pulled the futon into a full size bed it was nice but putting it back is the hardest thing. The mattress is too thick in my opinion. However, it was the most bought futon with the bunk bed and I have no idea why. If I could Id return it, but that is way too much of a hassle in itself. So if youre buying this bunk bed definitely buy a mattress thats either 6 or 7 inches 8 is too thick no matter how good its ratings are. Oh and make sure to have a good tool that can unbend the poles that comes inside the box. not happy at all
Five Stars
Kids love this bunker Well built and sturdy
Went together easily. Directions state to not use power tools
The bunk is everything that we wanted. Went together easily. Directions state to not use power tools. We used a driver with a clutch set at 3 (out of 16) and speed up assembly by several hours. Good value to price ratio.
Good buy, no instructions!
I enjoyed the product for the price, but it didnt come with instructions. Was able to easily find them online under s website, but still would have been less of a hassle had the instructions been included in the first place. Looks atmospheric
Love it
Ordered this for my grandsons birthday. He loves it. Stylish yet affordable
nice,sturdy and tall
bed is very tall about 6 ft plus tall . i am about 510 and i am eye ball level with the upper bed bunk where the mattress sits.seems sturdy so far Gorgeous and Good Quality
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