Took my husband a few hours to put this together. Its very sturdy. Our girls love them. Much better than the cheaper ones we had before.
Came shipped in 2 boxes that arrived on separate days, that was strange. Modern, comfortable and great value
Its sturdy in the ways that matter. I had an issue with one wheel on the trundle, but thats about par for my expectations at this price. It is beautiful and functional.
The assembly took a few hours without any complications. We bought a memory foam mattress for the trundle bed. It fit perfectly! This product was just what I needed
I bought this bed for my kids and they loved it. They wont even hesitate to be back in the bed at night. It was pretty easy to assemble everything. I honestly love
The slats were done very nice , very sturdy for matresses. Took about two hours to put together. Instructions only has pictures so we reversed some of the pieces but easily fixed. The bed itself is very sturdy. The stairs were a little difficult for my grandson to get on top bunk but he finally got the hang of it. Would have been better to have the stairs angled to get up on. Good and inexpensive
Took my husband a few hours to put this together. Its very sturdy. Our girls love them. Much better than the cheaper ones we had before. Came shipped in 2 boxes that arrived on separate days, that was strange. Modern, comfortable and great value
It is fine
Its sturdy in the ways that matter. I had an issue with one wheel on the trundle, but thats about par for my expectations at this price. It is beautiful and functional.
Great product
Took awhile to assemble, but the pieces were separated and organized in the best way. Great product! Overall, great value for the price.
Perfect for 3 in a room
The assembly took a few hours without any complications. We bought a memory foam mattress for the trundle bed. It fit perfectly! This product was just what I needed
Great bargain
I bought this bed for my kids and they loved it. They wont even hesitate to be back in the bed at night. It was pretty easy to assemble everything. I honestly love
Easy to put together
Loved how easy ot was to assemble Good Quality for Cost
Worth the money
Easy to build, make sure you have one other person to help hold pieces up. Worth the money We all love it!
Not bad for the price. Packaging can be better.
Packaging was damaged. Some minor damage on the wood but was able to fix it with wood glue Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Great find!
Husband and I put it together in about 3 hours. Functional design
Nice and sturdy bed for the price
The slats were done very nice , very sturdy for matresses. Took about two hours to put together. Instructions only has pictures so we reversed some of the pieces but easily fixed. The bed itself is very sturdy. The stairs were a little difficult for my grandson to get on top bunk but he finally got the hang of it. Would have been better to have the stairs angled to get up on. Good and inexpensive
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