Assembly was much easier than anticipated. It helped having an extra person to balance the pieces while the other installed the hardware. Great quality. Very sturdy. I can even climb the ladder to the top bunk without any worries. My son loves his new bed! Its a fantastic price.
Bought this for my granddaughter she loves it. It looks very nice, would differently recommend this product. This product was exactly what I was hoping for
This was purchased to update a guestroom. It was hard to assemble and time consuming. Definitely two adults needed to put together. I am pleased with the result as it looks great. Great find!!
Just put it together yesterday so I cant comment on longevity but it seems well made. Id estimate 4 hours for one person to assemble including sorting all parts first / hard to say as I had kids helping and stopped for dinner etc. the only time I truly needed help was putting the top bed up. Its a big job (as expected) but instructions were clear and everything is labeled. It says not to use power tools but I did for attaching the mattress support slats as that would have taken forever without / no issues but just be mindful and dont overtighten.
Two minor complaints/ the stairs are particle board and the corners are sharp. I anticipate someone whacking a shin. Also the mattresses dont fit tightly (standard twin mattresses / different brands). I may try to put a pool noodle in the gap so every toy that comes to bed doesnt get lost. Dont over think it, youll love it!!
I ordered this bunk style bed for my 8 and 5 year old girls. The box came to my house which was perfect,no truck needed. My husband and I spent about 1 hour and a half building it. The product was super easy to build and the instructions were clear and easy to comprehend. The girls love The new beds. I feel so happy,because I was afraid that they could fall off the top, but they are low to the ground and the steps are durable and great. The amount of extra space is great for how tiny the room is. Im pleased with my purchase.
Love it!
Assembly was much easier than anticipated. It helped having an extra person to balance the pieces while the other installed the hardware. Great quality. Very sturdy. I can even climb the ladder to the top bunk without any worries. My son loves his new bed! Its a fantastic price.
Very nice looking furniture
Bought this for my granddaughter she loves it. It looks very nice, would differently recommend this product. This product was exactly what I was hoping for
It lacks more quality but it is resistant Absolutely awesome product!!
Look at directions carefully
Just what.we needed for a low ceiling fit perfectly Really Happy!!
Great for guests
This was purchased to update a guestroom. It was hard to assemble and time consuming. Definitely two adults needed to put together. I am pleased with the result as it looks great. Great find!!
Not what I expected
This bed is a cheaper version of these bunk beds and it really show. Quality of is very good other than this issue.
Perfect for our needs
Just put it together yesterday so I cant comment on longevity but it seems well made. Id estimate 4 hours for one person to assemble including sorting all parts first / hard to say as I had kids helping and stopped for dinner etc. the only time I truly needed help was putting the top bed up. Its a big job (as expected) but instructions were clear and everything is labeled. It says not to use power tools but I did for attaching the mattress support slats as that would have taken forever without / no issues but just be mindful and dont overtighten. Two minor complaints/ the stairs are particle board and the corners are sharp. I anticipate someone whacking a shin. Also the mattresses dont fit tightly (standard twin mattresses / different brands). I may try to put a pool noodle in the gap so every toy that comes to bed doesnt get lost. Dont over think it, youll love it!!
Aming bed
I love this for my toddlers easy to assemble and durable Better than the picture!
Sturdy, looks nice
Not too hard to assemble, very sturdy, and looks nice! Love the finished product!!
Great space saver.
I ordered this bunk style bed for my 8 and 5 year old girls. The box came to my house which was perfect,no truck needed. My husband and I spent about 1 hour and a half building it. The product was super easy to build and the instructions were clear and easy to comprehend. The girls love The new beds. I feel so happy,because I was afraid that they could fall off the top, but they are low to the ground and the steps are durable and great. The amount of extra space is great for how tiny the room is. Im pleased with my purchase.
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