This stool is made very cheaply and very hard to fix once it breaks. Yes its cute and cheap, but if you are larger than a small child and want to use it, maybe buy a better one.
This is good for the price. I didnt realize the legs were plastic but that is my fault for not checking the details more carefully. The top is decent quality. I also miscalculated how the color would work in my room so I will most likely order again in another color. The seller promptly checked in to see if I was satisfied with the product. It was very easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
Easy to assemble, sturdy, just the right size, light weight. Needed something to go under my desk to keep my ankles from swelling. Perfect size to be elevated but not pushing my legs up to the point of hurting. Would highly recommend. Easy build.
Item is exactly as described and is the perfect foot stool to use under my desk. The real blue is such a beautiful color. Perfect height. Great price. Just fine.
Highly recommend
Beautiful and great product. Easy and strong.
Definitely worth buying.
Very easy to assemble lightweight and perfect. Its so cute! Perfect for my teenager.
Works well
Works great for my grandma who is 100 years old to prop up her feet for swelling Just the right height.
Cheap materials. Stool broke.
This stool is made very cheaply and very hard to fix once it breaks. Yes its cute and cheap, but if you are larger than a small child and want to use it, maybe buy a better one.
Great price
I used this for a step up to my couch, for my senior dog. Worth the price !!!
Good for the price.
This is good for the price. I didnt realize the legs were plastic but that is my fault for not checking the details more carefully. The top is decent quality. I also miscalculated how the color would work in my room so I will most likely order again in another color. The seller promptly checked in to see if I was satisfied with the product. It was very easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
Easy to assemble, sturdy, just the right size, light weight. Needed something to go under my desk to keep my ankles from swelling. Perfect size to be elevated but not pushing my legs up to the point of hurting. Would highly recommend. Easy build.
Comfort and Color
Well made Fit well,
Item is exactly as described and is the perfect foot stool to use under my desk. The real blue is such a beautiful color. Perfect height. Great price. Just fine.
I ordered a second one liked so much. Sturdy and fabric very sharp. Love them made well
To step up to my bed which is high. Its the perfect sturdy height and looks beautiful Definitely worth it.
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