Hard to put together because it has a lot of parts and was difficult to get the holes to line up. However it is sturdy and nice looking. it is very pretty.
Took over 4hours to put together.but is holding up pretty good. Kids and their friends have jumped and played on it and it is still holding up I was very excited to receive!
It took three hours and two people to put it together. No tools needed. Sturdy construction (a week in so far) It wobbles a bit but all in all a great buy for the money. I spent more on the mattresses than the beds! Note do not buy a mattress larger than 6. Lol. The only con is that some of the instructions were not entirely clear. Its pretty though!
Good bed.
Hard to put together because it has a lot of parts and was difficult to get the holes to line up. However it is sturdy and nice looking. it is very pretty.
but is holding up pretty good.
Took over 4hours to put together.but is holding up pretty good. Kids and their friends have jumped and played on it and it is still holding up I was very excited to receive!
its a thinner than I would have liked to see
I thought the bed would be a little more solid than it was, its a thinner than I would have liked to see. Its a nice design though.
Very nice product for the price
Got ii yesterday, assembly took about 2 hours. Very nice product for the price, Thank you . Very stylish and great quality!
It is very sturdy! Great Quality
My Granddaughter Loves this bed!! It is very sturdy! Great Quality!! SO happy!
Five Stars
excellent beds quite easy to assemble and the boys love them. Definitely looks nice.
Two story slumber
A bear of an assembly job but my kid liloves it and thats all that matters. Very impressed with the quality.
Bargain basement steal
It took three hours and two people to put it together. No tools needed. Sturdy construction (a week in so far) It wobbles a bit but all in all a great buy for the money. I spent more on the mattresses than the beds! Note do not buy a mattress larger than 6. Lol. The only con is that some of the instructions were not entirely clear. Its pretty though!
Five Stars
my grand kids love this Much better than expected
Five Stars
Goes perfect in a small 10 x 12 bedroom for my grandsons. Great value and very sturdy!! Very pretty.
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