Works for what I needed it for but the quality is poor and assembly took a lot longer than it shouldve. Theres just so many bits and pieces to assemble and even though the instructions were not too difficult, some of the illustrations were so tiny to read, making assembly take much longer.
Its pretty low quality and the paint/veneer is already chipping. I cant imagine it can sustain much weight. I paid 80 but its probably worth about 40/50.
A real challenge to assemble, mainly because they crowded exploded diagrams onto one double sided page vice a booklet to save money. No step by step. Generally too low for adults to set on. Functional design Elmers glue makes a huge difference as its typical cheap pressed wood. Perfect for childs room, However I still wouldnt recommend you try buying it
The product is good but the instructions were really bad . The diagrams were hard to follow some things werent even in the instructions I think if the instructions were better it would have been a whole lot easier. Other than the instructions sucking its really cute . Value is good for the price
I love it and not hard to put together
I think it was a great buy! simple yet awesome design
Sitting pad smaller
Quality is not that great the sitting pad is smaller in size . Debating if we are going to keep it or return it.
Works but poor quality
Works for what I needed it for but the quality is poor and assembly took a lot longer than it shouldve. Theres just so many bits and pieces to assemble and even though the instructions were not too difficult, some of the illustrations were so tiny to read, making assembly take much longer. Its pretty low quality and the paint/veneer is already chipping. I cant imagine it can sustain much weight. I paid 80 but its probably worth about 40/50.
Works but much smaller then it looks. Horrible assembly instructions.
A real challenge to assemble, mainly because they crowded exploded diagrams onto one double sided page vice a booklet to save money. No step by step. Generally too low for adults to set on. Functional design Elmers glue makes a huge difference as its typical cheap pressed wood. Perfect for childs room, However I still wouldnt recommend you try buying it
Not bad for price
Not easy to put together but good for price Considering returning
Perfect and nice !!! cant praise it enough!
Easy to assemble, looks great. still feels plenty sturdy
Great storage bench
Assembled very easily. No imperfections. Looks beautiful!
Heavy, not sturdy
I am mixed on this. Its heavy but doesnt seem sturdy. Its ok u like the look,
Instructions are terrible
The product is good but the instructions were really bad . The diagrams were hard to follow some things werent even in the instructions I think if the instructions were better it would have been a whole lot easier. Other than the instructions sucking its really cute . Value is good for the price
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